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It depends on what indicator you are using.

Yellow with the bromothymol blue indicator is acidic, yellow with the methyl orange indicator is basic, yellow with the phenol red indicator is acidic and yellow with the universal indicator is acidic.

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Q: What does yellow indicate on the ph scale?
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What does a 7 on the pH scale indicate?

pH=7 is the neutral point on the scale.

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pH Scale

What is the pH indicator scale?

it indicate the acid and base of the scale

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Massive acidity.

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What does green indicate on the pH scale?

green indicates the pH value of 5-6 which is slightly acidic. for the whole pH color scale go to the reference cited.

What does a pH scale look like?

Chemists devised a measurement system called the pH scale to indicate the concentration of hypotonic ions in solution. Therefore the higher the pH scale gets the more persistant it is.

What does pH 7 indicate?

pH 7 is at the center of the pH scale. It means the solution is neither basic nor acidic. Water has a pH of 7.

What scale is used to indicate whether something is acid or alkaline?

The pH scale is the widely used universal scale, (which measures the hydrogen ion concentration of solutions) to measure the acidity or alkalinity of chemical solutions. It should be mentioned that the pH value is dependent on the temperature.

Where would you find acids on the pH scale?

we would find on the pH scale. if the colour is red orange or dark yellow this would be a strong acid. if the colour is yellow or light yellow or normal yellow this would be a weak acid. i hope this helps you thank you

Measurement system used to indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution?

ph scale

How is the pH scale used in labotory?

It is used in labs to indicate how much acidic or basic a solution is.