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Metals have a specific metallic bond.

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Q: Most metals have high melting points. Which type of bonding accounts for this property?
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What property is not a physical property of metals?

Low Melting Point. Most metals have high melting point and are solids at room temperature.

What properties is not a property of metals?

Low Melting Point. Most metals have high melting point and are solids at room temperature.

Do metals have high melting or points?

Metals have high melting points. Metals lack ionic bonding and possess metallic bonds that are so strong that it takes so much heat to break them apart.

What best describes the arrangement of electrons in a metallic bond?

A sea of electrons. This is a very good description of the bonding in group 1 group 2 metals. A more advanced view for transition metals calls the sea of electrons an "sp electron gas" alongside covalent bonding involving d electrons. This accounts for the melting point trends in transition metals

What property of transition metals is responsable for their charactoristic ductility?

metallic bonding

Why do plastics have a lower melting point than metals explain in terms of chemical bonding?

Metals have metallic bonds which plastics lack.Plastics lack delocalised electrons that are found in metals.

What are two types of bonding in metal?

The bonding in transition metals involves both a "covalent" contribution and a metallic "cloud of electrons bond. Alkali metals just have the cloud of electrons to hold them together- hence softer and lower melting.

Why cant you cross dissimilar metals?

when two metals are being welded together each is taken to the melting point and if there is no bonding between the metals the weld breaks easily. the purpose of welding is to take metal to a melting point and reformulate their bonding at our own requirements so that it makes a good strong joint. if there is no such a joint the purpose of welding becomes dissimilar metal cannot be welded.

What specific property of metals accounts for their unusual conductivity?

Outermost orbital shell of a metal has very few electrons with corresponding values of energy. This specific property accounts for the unusual electrical conductivity of metals. Highest conductivity occurs in metals with only one valence electron.

What is the bonding process for nonmetals bonding with metals?

the bonding process for nonmetals bonding with metals is that they can take electrons and give them to each other.

What happens during metallic bonding?

Metallic bonding is the electrostatic attraction between postive metal ions and the delocalised electrons surrounding them. Theese forces are very strong which is why metals have very high melting points. The more charge a ion has will increase its melting point as the electrostatic attraction will be higher.

Is metallic bonding between metals or non metals?

between metals