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Q: Name a colloid that you can see through?
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Why can you see light passing through a colloid but not a solution?

Light is scattered by colloids.

How will you determine a colloid?

Shine a light through it. If there are particles scattered, then it's a colloid

Is light able to pass through a colloid?


Can light shine through a colloid?


How can a torch be used to test a colloid?

A colloid is cloudy and thick and will not allow light to pass through, whereas a suspension is clear and transparent and lets light pass through it.

What is the name of a liquid-liquid colloid?


Can you see particles in a colloid with a microscope?

suspension particles can be seen through a microscope

Why cant you separate a colloid by filtering?

You cannot separate a colloid by filtering because the particles of a colloid are too small to be suspended by any filter. They will instead simply slip through the holes of said filter.

How could a torch show if you have a colloid or a solution?

if you shine the torch through it

Is a whipped cream is a suspension colloid or solution?


The word colloid means gluelike why was colloid chosen to name these mixtures?

When referred to as glue-like, colloid is a thick gelatinous material usually found in the thyroid. From the chemistry viewpoint a colloid is a mixture in which very small particles of one substance is dispersed evenly throughout another substance.

Is corn starch in water considered a colloid?

If the flour is fine enough and is well mixed then it can become a colloid. An easy way to tell is when the colloid mixture is blue instead of white due to the Tyndall effect See the related link for more information about this effect.