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On heating iodine and camphor directly converted into gases and no liquid state

is appears in between this process because the intermolecular forces between the molecules

in such types of solids is less than ordinary solids, therefore high energy molecules at solid

surface over come the attractive forces and directly converted into vapours.

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Q: On heating sublime substances like iodine and camphor they directly change from solid to gas?
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What are four things that can sublime?

Iodine, dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), naphthalene (mothballs), and camphor are examples of substances that can sublime. Sublimation is the process by which a substance transitions directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase.

Does camphor sublime?


Which substance will sublime at 298K?

Co2(s) will sublime

How can you separate the mixture of sugar and camphor?

Camphor will sublime when heated mildly (sugar will not). Heat the mixture mildly, collect the sublimate separately, cool the sublimate to get camphor.

How do you separate champhor and common salt?

Heat mildy. camphor will sublime, collect it separately, cool to get back solid camphor.

Does camphor and sodium chloride be separated by sublimation?

Yes. Camphor will sublime whereas sodium chloride will not. Hence they can be separated by sublimation.

What is sublimation and examples of substances that can sublime?

Solid carbon dioxide, or dry ice, and Naphthalene both readily sublime at standard atmospheric pressure.

Why sublime substance change directly from solid to gas on heating?

Because the entropy is negative making it spontaneous.

Why camphor sublimes?

Camphor is solid material ,that is sublimate.The bond of the camphor breaks when the specific temperature is given to the camphor which directly changes the state of camphor into liquid state it is all upon its ignition temperature. The proccess in which the solid state of matter gets converted into gaseous state without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation, and, the deposited crystalline material so obtained is called sublimate.

Can solid carbondioxide sublime on heating?

Yews. Solid CO2 (dry ice) will sublime on heating

Can sulfur sublime?

Yes, it is possible at temperatures between 25 0C and 50 0C. Besides substances such as naphthalene, ammonium chloride, iodine, dry ice, camphor and anthracene, sulphur also sublimes.

Does sodium chloride sublime on heating?

Sodium chloride can be melted or boiled but not sublime.