

Particles of gas are constantly

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Particles of gas are moving constantly and at a rapid speed. They do not have

a definite volume or space. They also flow. They are not tightly packed like solids.

That's all what I know.

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11y ago
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Q: Particles of gas are constantly
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Explain what happens to a gas when it is put into a container?

The gas particles will spread out to encompass the entire volume of the container. The particles are constantly in motion and will run into the walls of the container creating pressure (basically). If heated, the particles will move faster, and slower if cooled.

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smoke particles are bigger than gas particles.

Do lighter gas particles diffuse less rapidly than heavier gas particles?

No, heavier gas particles diffuse slower than lighter gas particles

Why does gas not have a define shape?

A gas doesn't have a definite shape because it's made up of particles that are constantly in motion and that have an attraction. Gases particles have a weak attraction and are moving so fast that they don't have a definite shape. No it doesnt it doesnt have a define volume either.

Why are the hot gas particles moving faster than cool gas particles?

Because hot gas particles have greater kinetic energy than cold gas particles

Does gas have fast moving particles?

yes. gas has the fastest moving particles and a solid has the slowest moving particles and particles in a liquid are moving faster than solid particles but not as fast as gas particles.

Why can the particles of gas change and the particles of solids not?

Particles of a solid are attached to each other, by chemical bonds. Particles of a gas are not.

What particles move independently of each other?

Gas particles move very fast because the particles are separated and have enough space to move around.

How the motions of gas particles are related to the pressure by the gas?

is motions of gas particles are related to the pressure exerted by the gas

Do gas particles move slower than solid particles?

No. Gas particles move much faster than solid particles.