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Boiling is a physical change, not chemical.

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Q: Physical rather than a chemical change?
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What is an example physical rather than a chemical change?

A car crash is physical.

Why does the sound of thunder indicate a physical change rather than a chemical change?


Why is a change in state a physical change rather than chemical change?

Because it can change from one state to another.

Example of a physical rather than a chemical change?

when a rock is erodded by wind or waves is a physical change where acid rain eroding a stone figure would be chemical

Is fermentation sugar in bread physical change or chemical change?

It's a chemical change. Fermentation involves the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide from sugar. Since new substances are formed, the change is chemical, rather than physical.

When you put a cold object into flame of candle the object will get covered with soot physical or chemical?

Getting covered with soot would be classified as a physical change rather than a chemical change.

What does fizzing mean in a chemical reaction?

It is a sign that a chemical change is taking place, rather than a physical change.

What is an example of a physical rather than a chemical change an antacid sawdust or a cigarette?

Sawdust is not a change. Making solid wood into sawdust by sawing it, would be a physical change.

Is an antacid medicaine reacting with stomach acid an example of a physical rather than a chemical change?

No. Antacids neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is a chemical change.

Example of a physical rather than a chemicalchange?

Which of the following is an example of a physical rather then a chemical change? Which of the following is an example of a physical rather then a chemical change?

When do the physical and chemical properties change?

Physical and chemical properties change as the result of a chemical change, which produces new products with different physical and chemical properties than the reactants.

How does a chemical differ from a physical change?

A physical change is different than a chemical change, because in a physical change, the composition of the matter did not change. While in a chemical change, the composition of the matter did change.SO basically, the composition of the matter does not change is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change.yes