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covalently bonded atoms that act like a single atom when combining with other atoms.

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Q: Polyatomic ions are tightly bound groups of what?
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Tightly-bound group of atoms that behaves as a unit and carries a net charge?

An ionized molecule. Common examples are Sulphate ions, Nitrate ions and Phosphate ions.

How are ions and polyatomic ion different?

Polyatomic ions act like an ion other than they travel in groups of ions. It will respond the same like any other ion.

What is a polyatomic number?

There is no such thing. There are polyatomic ions, which are positively or negatively charged, covelantly bonded groups of atoms, though.

Ions that are made of more than one atom are examples of what?

Ions made up of more than one atom are called polyatomic ions.

How are ions and polyatomic ion similar?

They are both ions and both can form an ionic compound

Are a vast majority of polyatomic ions cations?

No. Most polyatomic ions are anions.

Which are polyatomic ions hydroxidechlorideammoniumand carbonate?

Except chloride, all others are polyatomic ions.

What are the polyatomic ions?

polyatomic ions are those ions which carry more than one atom,we can say that a group of atoms having single charge( which may be positive or negative) are polyatomic ions.

Predominantly what type of bonding is within polyatomic ions?

Covalent bonding is predominantly within polyatomic ions.

What is the polyatomic ions of ammonium?

The polyatomic ion for Ammonium is NH4+

How are polyatomic ions similar to their constituent ions?

They are not similar.

Which are polyatomic ion?

For example no3 or co3 are all polyatomic ions