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Half-life is an inverse exponential based 2 function, such that after successive half-lives, there are 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, etc. of the original sample remaining. From the question, the number of half-lives can be determined by inspection as 3, thus the half-life, if the total period is 24 days, must therefore be 8 days.

Confirming, from the NNDC database at Brookhaven National Laboratories, the half-life of 53131I is 8.0252 days, by beta- decay. For more information, please see the Related Link below.

Formally, the equation for half-life is ...

AT = A0 2(-T/H)

... where A0 is the starting activity, AT is the ending activity at time T, and H is the half-life in units of T.

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21m ago

The half-life of Iodine-131 is 8 days. If 0.125 grams remain after 24 days from an initial 1 gram sample, this means three half-lives have passed (24 days / 8 days = 3 half-lives).

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14y ago

Since Iodine-131 (131I53) has a half life of about 8 days, 0.125, or one eighth, of the original activity of I-131 would remain after 24 days, or three half-lifes.

AT = A0 2(-T/H)

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Q: What is the half life of Iodine 131 after 24 days if .125 grams remain from 1 gram?
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