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Physical. Steam, ice, and water are all H2O.

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Q: Steam is sometimes used to melt ice Is this change physical or chemical?
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Is mixing popcorn steam a physical or chemical change?

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Is steam from a kedal a physica l or chemical change?

Steam from a kettle is a physical change.

When water changes to steam is it a chemical change?

No, it is a physical change.

Is water evaporating into steam a chemical or physical change?

It is a physical change because the change is reversible.

Is steam turning to water a chemical or physical change?

The formation of steam is a physical change. The chemical composition of steam (water vapor), is H2O, and the chemical composition of liquid water is H2O, so there is no chemical change going from liquid to gas (vapor/steam). Thus, it is a physical change.

Is steam a chemical raection?

NO!!!! It is a physical change of water from liquid to gas(vapour).

When water turns into steam is it a chemical change?

no, physical. The steam can return to water if cooled. Chemical changes are irreversible.

Is heat changes h20 to steam a chemical change?


Is steam turning into water chemical or physical?

Chemical changes are those in which the chemical composition of a substance changes during the process. But when steam turns into water or vice versa, only the physical state of the substance undergoes a change but the chemical composition remains same. Thus steam turning into water is a physical change.

Is water is heated and changed to steam is it a physical or chemical change?

The changing of water to steam is a physical change because it is still water, but only in a different state. The steam can change back into water which is a reversible change. Chemicals changes cannot change back. They are permanent.

When water changes is it a chemical change?

no. when water boils it is a physical change, because the actuall chemical structure is still H2O, it is just in the form of steam.