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There are many minerals that break along flat surfaces. Probably the one that you would be most familiar with is "graphite". Graphite is a mineral formed from carbon atoms and it is used to make up the lead in pencils.

Because of the structure of graphite, it tends to break cleanly in parallel, "flat" surfaces. It is not as evident in a pencil, because the piece of graphite is so small, but if you had a very large piece of graphite and broke it, you would see it break into flat flakes or plates.

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1w ago

The ability of a mineral to break along smooth, flat surfaces is called cleavage. Cleavage occurs due to the weak bonds between the atoms in a mineral's crystal structure, which allows the mineral to break along specific planes. The quality of cleavage can vary among different minerals and is an important diagnostic property used in mineral identification.

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12y ago

This is cleavage, a very useful diagnostic property of minerals.

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11y ago

Why are you asking a question for a school worksheet? Oh well, the answer is cleavage.

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Type your answer here... halogram

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Q: Ability of a mineral to break easily and evenly along one or more flat planes?
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What are three special properties of minerals?

Hardness: The ability of a mineral to resist scratching or abrasion. Cleavage: The way a mineral breaks along planes of weakness. Luster: The way light is reflected off the surface of a mineral.

Minerals that do not have weak bonds along specific planes will what?

Minerals that do not have weak bonds along specific planes will tend to have a higher resistance to breakage and fracturing. This is because weak bonds along specific planes create areas of weakness where the mineral is more likely to break or split. Without these weak bonds, the mineral will have a more cohesive structure and be less prone to breaking.

How is cleavage related to a mineral's atomic structure?

Cleavage is the way a mineral breaks along planes of weakness in its atomic structure. The number and orientation of cleavage planes are determined by the arrangement of atoms in the mineral's crystal lattice. Minerals with strong atomic bonds tend to have poor or no cleavage, while those with weaker bonds exhibit good cleavage.

What is a silicate with surfaces that meet nearly at right angles?

A mineral with surfaces meeting nearly at right angles is orthoclase Feldspar. It is a common silicate mineral found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Its crystal structure forms a framework with cleavage planes meeting at approximately 90 degrees.

What mineral breaks along a weakly bonded plane?

Many but not all of them do, specifically that is how diamonds are traditionally cut for jewelry.mica separates into sheetshalite separates into cubesquartz does not have weakly bonded planes, so it fractures

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What is the Definition of Rock Cleavage?

A mineral's ability to split easily along planes of weakness, producing flat surfaces.

What is is the property of splitting along one or more flat planes evenly and easily?

cleavage :)

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What property of minerals splits the mineral into pieces with uneven surfaces?

It is a type of igneous or sedimentary rock.

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Metamorphic rock with mineral grains arranaged in bands or lamellar planes are called foliated metamorphic rocks.

Describes a mineral's response to mechanical impact?

The mineral would either cleave on planes of weakness, or fracture.

What is mineral's cleavage?

Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along smooth planes parallel to zones of weak bonding.

What kind of metamorphic rock has its mineral grains arranged in bands or planes?

Metamorphic rock with mineral grains arranaged in bands or lamellar planes are called foliated metamorphic rocks.

How does a mineral break into smooth pieces when a tool is used to break it?

A mineral can have varying numbers of cleavage planes, areas where there exists an inclination to cleave when struck or force is applied.. Most mineral crystals exhibit a preferred cleavage in certain directions, but may have cleavage planes in other directions.

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