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protons and valence electrons

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Q: The chemical properties of an atom are related to the what a neutrons b valence electrons c protons d core electrons?
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What parts of an atom determine its chemical properties?

Electrons determine the chemical properties of an atom.

Why do the two isotopes of chlorine have the same chemical properties?

The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number of electrons, which is determined by the number of protons. Isotopes vary in the number of neutrons in an atom of the same element (same number of protons). Since neutrons do not influence the number of protons or electrons, they do not affect chemical properties.

Are neutrons important in chemical reaction?

No, absolutely not. There are much smaller particles, first Electrons (which are part of reactions), Then Quarks that neutrons and protons are made of (and are part of reactions), and much, much smaller particles after that also are involved in chemical reactions.

Are chemical properties of elements determined by neutrons?

No. The properties of elements are determined by the number of protons, which in turn determines the number of electrons.

Why do all istopes of an element have the same chemical peoperties?

because chemical properties are determined by the nomber of electrons and protons and all isotops have the same number electrons and protons. they differ in the number of neutrons alone which doesnt affect chemical properties

Why do isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties?

Chemical reactions involve electrons - not protons or neutrons. All isotopes of the same element have an identical number of electrons (just the number of neutrons differs) and hence the chemical properties are identical/very similar.

What effects the properties of an element?

neutrons, electrons, and protons

What are the sub-atomic particles of uranium?

Protons, neutrons and electrons - as in all the other chemical elements.

Isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties because they have the same number of?

...electrons.Isotopes contain the same number of protons (hence, the same number of electrons) and electrons are what determine reactivity. 2nd answer : The isotopes have the same chemical properties because the electronic configuration of an element is same there fore isotopes posses the same chemical properties .

What are the basic properties of an element?

the number of neutrons, protons, and electrons

What gives an element its unique physical properties?

The electrons specifically the outermost electrons determines the chemical properties. These are often called the valence electrons. The radioactivity of a particular isotope is determined by the nuclear composition in terms of protons and neutrons.

What are the different properties of he atom?

the different properties are protons, electrons and neutrons here is a picture