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Q: The collision theory states that in order for a reaction to occur the particles must come together and collide with each other with enough to break the bonds and form new ones?
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Describe the collision theory in relation to reaction rate?

When you have a higher concentration of elements in the reaction you are no matter what speed going to have a faster reaction taking place however the lower the concentration it is the more time it will take for the reaction to take place this process is similar to pressure as it reflects how the more of it there is the faster the reaction will be and how if there is less of it the slower the reaction will be. (related to the Collision Theory)

A reaction is most likely to occur when reactant particles collide with?

with both proper energy and proper oreantation

Will Increasing the rate at which particles collide will increase the rate of a reaction?

Yes. For this reason, increasing the concentration of the molecules involved increases the rate of reaction.

Does every collision between reacting particles leads to products?

For a reaction to take place, the reactants must have sufficient energy and have correct orientation when they collide. So, the reason why all collisions don't lead to reaction is that the collisions do not satisfy these conditions.

What are 4 things that can affect the rate of a reaction?

1. Temperature: Depending on the temperature of the reactants, the reaction rate will differ. The higher the temperature (or the hotter the reactant is), the quicker the reaction will occur. The cooler the reactant is, the longer it will take for a reaction to take place. The heat causes the particles to move quickly, and due to the Collision Theory, which states that in order for a reaction to occur, molecules must collide, the particles will be more likely to bump into each other, and so the reaction will occur faster.2. Concentration: The higher the concentration of a reactant, the quicker the reaction will occur. This means that there are more particles of that particular substance, meaning it will collide more frequently into the particles of the other reactant. This increases the reactant rate because the more concentrated a reactant is, it means that the less space there is between the two reactants.3. Surface Area: Basically, the more particles that are exposed during the experiment, the faster the reaction will occur. The more the particles are exposed, the faster it is for the other reactant to collide into the particles, meaning the reaction rate will increase.4. Catalysts: Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of reaction by speeding up the reaction without being used up in the reaction. It does not affect the reactants in any other way than making them collide into each other more frequently, and it doesn't affect the product (or products) produced

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According to kinetic and collision theory why does increasing the temperature of the reaction increase the rate of reaction?

The likelihood that two particles will collide in a given time increases. The number of particles per volume increases.

What is collision theory?

The collision theory is when atoms, molecules or ions bash together or collide together. Collision theory states that the rate of a reaction may be increased by : increasing pressure; raising the amount of heat energy; raising the concentration of the reactant and by introducing a catalyst.

What is the meaning of collide?

Collide means to put two things together as in a car crash. A collision

What happens to the reaction rate when reactants particles collide more often?

In brief, the reaction rate increases. When there are more collisions, the more probability to collide them in the proper direction. The overall reaction will come to the equilibrium in a lesser time.

What happens to the reaction rate when reactant particles are able to collide more often and with more energy?

The reaction rate increases when reactant particles are able to collide more often and with more energy.

Molecules involved in a chemical reaction must collide to react What is this concept called?

Collision Theroy

What is the difference between collision and conservative margins?

collision is when two plates collide conservative is when two plates rub together

What is Planetary Collision Theory?

The Collision Theory states that the rate of molecules colliding with sufficient kinetic energy successfully is proportional to the collision frequency multiplied by the fraction of collisions. The assumptions are that the molecules are spheres and traveling in straight lines.

What does collison mean?

When particles come together. Therefore, collide. After that they react.

How does a chemical reaction starts?

A reaction occurs when 2 particles collide with sufficient energy to overcome the activation barrier and then react.

How does average particle speed affect the reaction rate?

As the speed of the particles increase, it causes them to collide with the other particles in which they are reacting with more frequently, increasing the reaction rate.

Describe the collision theory in relation to reaction rate?

When you have a higher concentration of elements in the reaction you are no matter what speed going to have a faster reaction taking place however the lower the concentration it is the more time it will take for the reaction to take place this process is similar to pressure as it reflects how the more of it there is the faster the reaction will be and how if there is less of it the slower the reaction will be. (related to the Collision Theory)