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ionization energy

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Q: The energy released during the ionization of a non-metal is called the?
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Related questions

What is the energy released during ionization of a non metal?

ionization energy

Does energy always released during ionization?

During the formation of anions (negatigely charged ions) energy is released. During the formation of cations (positively charged ions) energy is absorbed.

Can process of separation of compounds be called ionization?

If the compounds or atoms are separated into different ions while on a high temprature, the process can be called ionization. During the process they either gain a negative or a positive charge.

During ionization water molecules disrupt ionic bonds of a solute and a mixture of ions is produced what are the ions called?


How many protons does a nitrogen ion contain?

Ionization involves addition or removal of an electron from an atom. No change to the nucleus (where the protons and neutrons live) occurs during ionization. Thus, the nitrogen ion has the same number of protons before and after ionization, and that would be seven. A chemist

What substance is released by the oil glands called during puberty?

body odours

What is an insulated device used for measuring the amount of heat absorbed or released during a reaction?

An insulated device used for measuring the amount of heat absorbed or released during a reaction is called a calorimeter.

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Earthquake waves are called seismic waves.

What is it called when some of the chemicals released during complement fixation enhance phagocytosis?

Opsonization Chemotaxis

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What is metastable ion peak?

A metastable ion peak is a broad peak which appears at non-integral values of m/e in a mass spectrum. It is formed by a fragment ion. An unstable molecule such as an alcohol can undergo fragmentation during ionization ( collision with high energy electrons in ionization chamber of the mass spectrometer ) to give rise to a fragment ion. This fragment ion is also called the metastable ion.

Is water vapour released through water vapour during transpiration?

Yes, water vapor is released through a process called transpiration.