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Q: The oxygen that rusts iron comes from is?
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What transition metal rusts when exposed to oxygen?

Iron rusts in the presence of Oxygen.

Iron atoms are destroyed When iron rusts?

No. Atoms cannot be destroyed by chemical processes. When iron rusts it bonds with oxygen to form iron oxide.

How do they rust?

iron rusts by reacting with HO2 and oxygen

What changes occur when a nail rusts?

when a nail rusts it is because the nails are made of iron the rusts forms when the iron nail comes in contact with rain and oxygen at the same time which forms rust over time more water comes in contact with the nail and more rust is formed the word equation for this change: Iron+Water+Oxygen-->iron oxide(rust)+Hydrogen The chemical equation for this change 2Fe+H2O+O-->Fe2O3+H hope this helped

What happens to iron oxygen in the presence omoisture?

it rusts and then rotten

What are chemical properties of iron?

It is a metal It rusts oXides in the present of the oxygen

What substances rusts iron?

Rusting is possible in the presence of oxygen and water.

What caues by chemical reation of iron and oxygen?

iron rusts 2 Fe+3O2 = 2FeO3

What is happening when a nail rusts?

the iron combines with oxygen, forming iron III oxide, or Fe2O3

Iron rusts when it comes in contact with water because of?

Iron or Fe is relatively highly reactive metal, hence when reacts with any oxidising object (like water), it gets oxidized. The reaction goes as follows- 2Fe + 3H20--> Fe203 (rust) + 3H2 Hence, Iron rusts when it comes in contact with water due to its high oxidising nature, i.e., it easily gets oxidised to rust.

What brings about rusting of iron change?

Iron rusts because it is oxidized by oxygen in the air. This occurs because of the relative oxidation/reduction potentials of iron and oxygen.

What kind of change happens when iron rusts?

Oxidation. Water, oxygen, and metal.