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The primary influence on changes taking place in American English today is technology and digital communication. The widespread use of social media, texting, and online platforms has led to the rapid evolution of language and the introduction of new words, phrases, and expressions into American English. Additionally, cultural diversity and globalization play a significant role in shaping language trends.

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What are the primary factors influence shape of a complexometric titration curve?

The primary factors that influence the shape of a complexometric titration curve include the stoichiometry of the metal-ligand complex formation, the equilibrium constants associated with complex formation, and the pH of the solution. These factors determine the composition and stability of the complexes formed during the titration, which in turn affect the shape of the curve.

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Tertiary protein structure is dependent on the primary structure because the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure determines how the protein will fold into its three-dimensional shape. The interactions between the side chains of amino acids in the sequence dictate the final structure of the protein in its functional form. Any changes or mutations in the primary structure can result in alterations to the tertiary structure and impact the protein's function.

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The depth of the dive and the duration of time spent at that depth are the two primary factors that influence how much nitrogen you absorb during a dive. Nitrogen absorption increases with depth due to higher pressure, and longer dive times allow for more nitrogen to be taken up by body tissues.

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The primary function of a protein is determined by its amino acid sequence, which dictates its shape and structure. This, in turn, influences the protein's ability to interact with other molecules and perform specific tasks in the body, such as catalyzing reactions, transporting substances, or providing structural support. Additionally, the environment in which the protein is found can also influence its primary function.

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Yes, carbohydrates play a critical role in brain function. The brain relies on glucose, which is derived from carbohydrates, as its primary source of energy. Carbohydrates also influence the production of neurotransmitters that affect mood and cognitive function.

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Why is The primary influence on changes taking place in American English today?

The influence of technology and globalization is driving the changes in American English today. With the rise of social media, the internet, and global communication, language trends and vocabulary are constantly evolving to adapt to new ways of connecting and expressing ideas. Additionally, cultural diversity and immigration also play a significant role in shaping the linguistic landscape of American English.

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The primary accent of American English is known as the General American accent. It is considered the most neutral and widely understood accent in the United States.

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In the UK, people primarily speak British English, which has variations in accent and vocabulary depending on the region. American English is not typically spoken as the primary language in the UK.

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English is the language of the US due to historical colonization by British settlers. Over time, English became the dominant language through the influence of institutions, media, and immigration patterns. Today, it is established as the country's primary language.

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The American colonist model of legislature was patterned after the English Parliament. The primary concern was that the government have a balance of power.

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When did english become americas primary language?

English became America's primary language during the colonial period, when British settlers began establishing colonies in North America in the early 17th century. Over time, English became the dominant language through cultural assimilation and the influence of institutions like schools and the government.

What did American colonists model their legislature on?

The American colonist model of legislature was patterned after the English Parliament. The primary concern was that the government have a balance of power.

What is the primary influence on changes in American English today?

Charles Baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, and Edouard Manet; modernists such as H.D., T. S. Eliot, and Ezra PoundThe primary influence on changes in American English today has been the dumbing down of the American Education System. The educational system reacted against studying the literature produced by dead white men. It had nothing of equal literary value for its replacement. Education has dropped foreign languages. As a result students are unaware of how the English language works. While the teaching profession has always attracted more women than men, affirmation action has almost removed all white males from the education system. One result, the English of Chick Lit has greatly affected the language of the class room. As in Chick Lit, the past tense slowly replaces the past perfect. In everyday English, irregular past participles are being replaced by irregular past tenses. No one is learning irregular past participles. They could soon be gone from American English. Outside of the Educational System, other forces are at work. My parents generation wrote letters instead of using expensive long distance telephone calls now free with this service provider. And Skype includes video. Why practice writing. U kn txt. So, our Educational system no longer teaches the richness of the English Language. Instead, we have the attitude and language of Chick Lit, move, move, move, go, go, go. Foreign influences add to this and will add words to English.

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The primary ethnic groups in the United States that had influence at the time of independence were the English, Scottish, and Dutch.

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It would depend on what country they are from in Africa. English is also a primary or secondary language in many African countries so it is possible they also speak english.