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Q: The sequence in which energy sublevels are filled is specified by?
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What are stable electron configurations most likely to contain?

filled energy sublevels

Filled energy sublevels are more than partially filled sublevels?

3, three, tres

What is the basis for exceptions to the aufbau diagram?

some elements have unusual atomic orbitals

Which sublevels of the third energy level are filled in the element krypton?

In krypton atoms, the 3s and 3p sublevels are filled, i.e. 3s23p6.

How many elecrtons shells would be filled by a neutral xenon atom?

The first 3 energy levels are filled, the 4s and 4p and 4d sublevels are filled, and the 5s and 5p sublevels are also filled. So only the first three energy levels are completely filled. The fourth and fifth energy levels are partly filled. The electron configuration is 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d105s25p6 or [Kr]4d105s25p6.

How do you use aufbau principle to determine electronic configuration?

Each electron occupies the lowest energy orbital. Orbitals related to energy level are of equal energy.

What do atoms that have the s and p sublevels filled with eight electrons have?

Atoms, like Neon (Ne), that have the s and p sublevels filled with either electrons are said to have an "octet" of electrons.

What is the name of elements whose outermost s and p sublevels are filled?

All the noble elements to the far right of the periodic table have their s and P sublevels in their valence shell filled, hence they are nonreactive.

Which sublevels or the third energy level are filled in the element argon?

Argon is the noble gas in third period. In modern periodic table, it is in group 18. It bears [Ne] 3s2 3p6 electron configuration.

Which description of electron configuration applies to atoms of potassium chromium and copper?

only five filled sublevels

What is true about the highest occupied s and p sublevels for the noble gases?

they are all completely filled in the case of noble gases

What outer sublevels are completely filled in a noble gas?

s orbital for helium and p orbitals for other noble gases.