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Crystal lattice.

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Q: The specific way in which atoms are arranged in an ionic compound is called the?
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The chemical formula of a compound does not indicate?

The chemical formula of a compound does not indicate the way that elements are joined in the compound. Chemical formulas tell you the identity of the elements in the compound and the relative proportions of the elements.

How do the properties of a compound compare with the properties of the elements that make up the compound?

Compounds have different properties from the elements that make them. ... The properties of a compound depend not only on which atoms the compound contains, but also on how the atoms are arranged.

What is an alkadiene?

An alkadiene is an aliphatic diene, an organic compound with double bonds in which the carbon atoms are arranged in an open chain.

Mineral atoms are arranged in a definite pattern what is this pattern called?

A crstal

What determines a mineral's shape?

yes. each minerals atoms are arranged in a very specific order.

How are atoms arranged within a crystal?

The atoms are arranged in repeating patterns.

What is it called when two different atoms combine?

Answer:molecular compound

When is a molecular compound named as an acid?

When the compound produces hydrogen atoms, (H+) in the solution, it is called an acid.

What do linked atoms form in compounds?

Linked up atoms form matter called a compound

What is one type of compound formed by atoms combining called?

a chemical compound

What is the process by which Atoms are arranged to form a material with a crystal structure is called?
