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Q: The subject of - one pot gets no water?
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When a pot of water is put on a stove the water at the top gets hot primarily by .?

Convection. The hot water at the bottom of the pot rises to the top.

Describe how the heat from the stove gets to the water in the pot?

As the stove heats up the pot, heat is transferred from the pot to the water through conduction. Within the pot, heat is transferred through convection from the hot water molecules to the cold ones.

When a pot of water is put on a stove the water on the top gets hot primarily by?


Where is a place that you can find water as a solid liquid and gas?

Antartica, you will find ice, water, and vapor, steam from wamer ocean waerts vaporizig as fog

How does the water kept in an earthen pot become cool during summer?

An earthen pot has small pores in its walls. When water is poured into it, some of it seeps through these pores to its outer surface. On reaching there, it evaporates.The heat required for evaporation is taken from the earthen pot and from the water in it. As a result, the water in an earthen pot gets cooled down.

How do you process moringa coffee?

Morning coffee is made and processed in the coffee pot. The water gets filtered through the coffee grounds into the pot to be warmed.

Why would a potted plant not hold water?

sometimes a potting mix gets too dry and repels water. try placing the pot in a bucket of water (keep the water level below the top of the pot) over night after which you can water it normally.

Is it safe to eat pasta from a pot of soapy water for example if some washing soap residue was left over in the pot and the water was very bubbly when boiling?

The pasta is safe to eat, anytime pasta is boiled the water gets very bubbly and was most likely not soap residue. If it was soap residue it would have bubbled when you filled the pot with water.

Why does new earthen pot is preferable to old one to cool water?

A new earthen pot is preferable to an old one to cool water because it has not been used before, meaning it doesn't have any residue or contaminants from previous uses. This allows for better evaporation on the outer surface of the pot, which results in more effective cooling of the water inside. An old pot may have developed cracks or impurities that can impair its ability to cool the water efficiently.

What is a hot water pot in dutch?

warm water pot is the Dutch translation. This is the translation of hot water pot.

How does convection transfer?

Think of a pot of boiling water. The burner makes the heat, the heat rises, and the cold water replaces it, then the cold water gets hotter and rises. It's a cycle

Why does the water kept in the earthen pot becomes cool even in summer?

During hot summer days, water is usually kept in an earthen pot (called matka) to keep it cool. Let us see how it gets cooled. The earthen pot has large number of extremely small pores (or holes) in its walls. Some of the water continuously keeps seeping through these pores to the outside of the pot. This water evaporates (changes into vapour ) continuously and takes the latent heat required for vaporisation from the earthen pot and the remained water. In this way, the remaining water loses heat and gets cooled. This is also an example of the cooling caused by evaporation. It should be noted that all the water on the earth does not gets evaporated due to the high value of the latent heat of vaporisation of water. It is much less effective in humid environments than arid ones since high humidity limits the amount of evaporation.