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Electron Configuration

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Q: Trends in the properties of elements in a group or period can be explained in terms of?
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Do element properties change as you move across a period or whithin a group?

Yes, it is true, the properties of elements change in groups and periods.

How are the trends in the periodic table helpful in identifying an element?

The periodic trends that arise from the arrangement of the periodic table provide chemists with an invaluable tool to quickly predict an element's properties. These trends exist because of the similar atomic structure of the elements within their respective group families or period and the periodic nature of the elements.

Why are elements in families?

elements are grouped together into families as they have simliar properties. all the elements in each collum or period have imilar chamical properties.

Why are elements in their families?

elements are grouped together into families as they have simliar properties. all the elements in each collum or period have imilar chamical properties.

Does A Period Table Contain Elements That Have Similar Properties?

The Periodic table is a representation of all elements grouped in a manner that lists elements with similar properties in columns. Adjacent columns have deceasing or increasing characteristics

Why is the periodic table useful for studying the properties of different elements?

well, the periodic table is very useful because you have the atomic number, atomic mass, and even the trends across a period or down a group.

Does a period contain elements that are similar?

no. A period is a row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably.

Can properties of the elements in a period be very similar?

They can, however in Groups the properties are much more similar.

Define periodicity as it relates to the organization of elements on the periodic table?

The relationship is that the elements are organized by periods. Each row is a period and it goes from left to right. Each row is a period identified by different colors. Elements on the same row have something in common. All of the elements in a period have the same number of atomic orbitals. For example all the elements on the 1st row have only one orbital for its electrons. All the elements on the 2nd period (row) have two orbitals for its electrons. This repeats to period (row) 7. - Brian Tui

Are elements with similar chemical properties found in the same period or group on the periodic table of elements?

Elements with same properties are found in same group.They are also called families.

Do elements in the same group or period have similar properties?

Elements of same group have the same number of valence electrons and hence have similar properties.

Why do the elements in a group of the period table have similar properties?

Elements in the same group have same number of valence electrons and hence have similar chemical and physical properties.