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how to draw a 105 degree angle

this is an elaboration to what the previous user said: a v-shaped molecule that has a 105 degree angle is called a bent/angular molecule. It is a modified version of the tetrahedral because it has two lone pairs and two bonds around the central atom instead of the typical tetrahedron which has 4 bonds. an example of a bent molecule would be water (H20) the oxygen has 2 lone pairs and two bonds, slightly bending the shape of the molecule from linear (180) to angular (around 105). This happens because the oxygen is a little more negative (delta negative) than the hydrogens, and so the oxygen's electrons pushes themselves away from the hydrogens, creating a more bent shape (use the VSEPR theory to determine molecular shape for the future)

hope this helps!!

tip: to find the shape of a molecule, ignore the atoms involved, just focus on the electron pairs surrounding the central atom. if it has 4 bonds, it is tetrahedral, if it has one bond, it is linear, 2 bonds is also linear (JUST 2 BONDS AND NOTHING ELSE), and three bonds is trigonal planar.

those were just dealing with bonds, if there are lone pairs around the central atom as well, this is how you would deal with it: 2 bonds and 2 lone pairs is bent; 3 bonds and one lone pair is pyramidal, and one bond and 3 lone pairs is linear, (if the molecule has only one bond, it will always be linear, no matter how many lone pairs)

I know this was a lot i just wrote down whatever was on my mind haha.. but these ideas helped me out on my chem test dealing with covalent bond and shapes, hopefully it'll help u too

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