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Water vapor in the atmosphere acts as a greenhouse gas by trapping heat and re-radiating it back to the Earth's surface. This process helps regulate the Earth's temperature and maintain a stable climate.

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Q: Water vapor holds in heat and distributes it during?
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When air holds the water vapor it possibly can we say its?

When air holds the maximum amount of water vapor it can, we say it is saturated.

When air holds a lot of water vapor what is it outside?

It is humid.

What layer holds almost all of the water vapor in the atmosphere?

The troposphere holds almost all of the water vapor in the atmosphere. This is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere where weather events occur, and it is where most of the water cycle processes take place.

Which kind of air-warm or cold- holds the most water vapor?


Which type of air holds the most water vapor?

Warm air typically holds more water vapor than cold air. As air temperature increases, its capacity to hold water vapor also increases. This is why humidity tends to be higher in warm climates compared to cold climates.

What layer holds almost all of the water vapor in the atmosphere as well as almost 34 percent of its mass?

The troposphere holds almost all of the water vapor in the atmosphere as well as approximately 75-80% of the total mass of the atmosphere.

What is the equilibrium condition in which a gas holds all the water vapor molecules that it can?

The equilibrium condition where a gas holds all the water vapor molecules it can is called saturation. At saturation, the rate of evaporation of water molecules into the gas phase is equal to the rate of condensation of water vapor molecules back into the liquid phase. This results in a balance where the gas is holding the maximum amount of water vapor possible at a given temperature and pressure.

What do plants release into the air during transportation?

Plants release water vapor (transpiration) and oxygen during transportation. Water vapor is released through small openings called stomata on the leaves, while oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis.

What is the name of the process by which water vapor enter the atmosphere during the water cycle?

The process by which water vapor enters the atmosphere during the water cycle is called evaporation. In this process, water from bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, is heated by the sun and changes into water vapor, which rises into the atmosphere.

What gas is given off during a volcanic eruption?

Water vapor and carbon dioxide. Water vapor is the most abundant.

When it's humid the air holds a lot of water vapor but when it's cold what happens to the water vapor?

When it's cold, the air can hold less water vapor, so it may condense into liquid water or ice, leading to the formation of clouds, dew, or frost. Cold air has a lower capacity to hold moisture compared to warm air, so water vapor tends to condense more easily in cold conditions.

Why doesn't Mars have tropical storms?

Tropical storms are fueled by water vapor that evaporates from warm ocean water. This water vapor holds enormous amounts of energy in the form of latent heat. Mars has no oceans and has very little water vapor in its atmosphere, so it cannot sustain such storms.