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Asparagine and glutamate

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Q: What Alpha amino acid is a diamino mono carboxylic acid?
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Why amino acid called alpha amino acid?

The variable R group of each amino acid is attached to the carbon alpha to, or immediately adjacent to, the carbon bearing the carboxylic acid functionality.

What characteristics of a molecule make it an amino acid?

Being both an amine and an acid, of course.Generally the term is used mainly for a specific type of amino acids... alpha-amino carboxylic acids. However, taurine is also called an amino acid, despite the fact that it's a sulfonic acid rather than a carboxylic acid.(alpha-amino means the amine group is attached to the first carbon after the carboxylic acid carbon itself. In taurine, the amine group is attached to the second carbon after the sulfonic acid group.)

Is ammino acid a organic acid?

Yes it is as it contains carbon and has a carboxylic acid group. The general formula for an alpha amino acid is H2N-CHR-COOH

What is proteins composition?

Polymers amino acid and carboxylic acid .

What is a beta-amino acid?

A beta-amino acid is an amino acid which has the amino and carboxylic functional groups attached to adjacent carbon atoms.

What is the acid part of an amino acid?

An acidic acid is something with a pH of less than 7.0. Actually this term is used for Amino acids having carboxylic groups higher than amino groups.

Which groups make up amino acid?

Carboxylic group + Amino group

True or false An amino acid contains either an amino group or a carboxylic acid group?

the answer is true

Why is glutamic acid an acidic amino acid and lysine a basic amino acid?

Glutamic acid has a carboxylic acid (COO-) group on the gamma carbon of the amino acid. The carboxylic acid group carries a negative charge and is considered acidic. Lysine has a amino group (NH3+) on the zeta carbon of the amino acid. The positively charged group on the terminal carbon atom makes it an basic amino acid.

What does amino acid plus amino acid equal?

An amino acid is one of twenty one compounds that have a carboxylic acid and an amine group. When they combine, they form proteins.

Functional group of cysteine?

amino, carboxylic acid and thiol

Is acetic acid an amino acid?

No, acetic acid is carboxylic acid and which is use as preservative in food and nutracuticals