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An increase in atomic number would be accompanied by a decrease in radius, and an increase in electronegativity.

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Q: What accompanies an increase in atomic number within a specific period?
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How do atomic numbers and atomic masses increase in the periodic table?

The atomic number and atomic masses increase as you move from left to right.

Atomic number - what does it indicate?

The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of a specific element.

What number increases in the periodic table?

Both the atomic number and atomic mass. among many other things. They increase the atomic number because the atomic number IS the number of protons in an atom. They increase the atomic mass because the atomic mass is the number of protons + neutrons in an atom. Basically the main two things..

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The chemical reactivity of alkali metals increase when the atomic number increase.

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Nothing. They are not correlated

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The atomic mass will increase. As you go down a group in the periodic table the atomic number rises, this increase in the number of protons is accompanied by an increase in the number of neutrons to stabilise the nucleus, and both together lead to an increase in atomic mass.

How do you find the atomic numbersof an subatomic particles?

NUmber of protons = Number of electrons = Atomic number Number of neutrons = Mass number - Atomic number

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The average number of neutrons that a specific element has is equivilent to the element's atomic mass minus the that elements atomic number. For example Helium has 2 neutrons because its atomic mass (4) minus the atomic number (2) is 2.

An increase in the atomic number the atomic radius moving from left to right across a period.?


What is the relationship of ionic radius and atomic number?

They both increase

The atomic number of an element indicates the number of .. in an atom?

The atomic number indicates the number of protons in an atom of a particular element. The atomic number must be an integer (counting number), and is unique to that specific element.