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That is propyl alcohol. It will react with ethanoic acid (acetic acid) to make propyl ethanoate (propyl acetate).

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Q: What alcohol makes propyl ethonate has the formula CH3CH2CH2OH?
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What is the symbol of propyl alcohol?

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Iso-propyl alcohol shows slightly acidic behaviour.

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Propyl methanoate forms, when propan-1-ol is refluxed with methanoic acid (formic acid). Methanoic acid is an important intermediate in chemical synthesis, and can be found in the venom of bee stings. The chemical equation for this reaction is as follows: CH3CH2CH2OH + HCOOH --> CH3CH2CH2-O-HCO CH3CH2CH2 = propyl group -O-HCO = methanoate group

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Is isopropal alcohol acetic?

No! Acetic (more properly, Ethyl) Alcohol is C2H5OH but Isopropal Alcohol (a secondary propyl alcohol) is CH3CHOHCH3.

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There are three types of alcohols, ethyl alcohol, propyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is the type that is consumed.

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The formula for propyl amine is C3H9N. It consists of a propyl group (three carbon atoms in a row) attached to an amino group (-NH2).

Is iso-propyl alcohol a ionic or covalent compound?

All the bonds in isopropyl alcohol are covalent.