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an ionic bond

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Q: What are atoms with greatly differing electronegativity values expected to form?
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Related questions

Is a carbon carbon bond non polar?

Yes. A bond between two atoms of the same element is nonpolar. Polarity occurs when an atoms with differing electronegativity values bond.

What is the the difference between the electronegativity values of carbon and sulfure?

Both Carbon and Sulphur have an electronegativity value of 2.5

What is the difference electronegativity values of sodium and bromine?

The difference electronegativity values of sodium and bromine are; Sodium(Na) 0.9, Bromine(Br) 2.8 thus a difference of 1.9.

Where are the atoms with the lowest electronegativity value located?

Atoms with the lowest electronegativity values located on the leftmost part of the Periodic Table. The atom with the lowest electronegativity belongs to Francium.

Difference between electronegativity values of sodium and bromine?

the difference between the electronegativity values of sodium and bromine is 1.9 , which is relatively high in general , high differences suggest ionic bonds.

What is the difference between electronegativity values of sodium and bromine?


How do electronegativity values determine the charge distribution in a polar in a polar covalent bond?

In a bond if the electronegativity is stonger in an atom then it gains a negative charge and the atom with the weaker electronegativity gains a posotive charge.

Which family does NOT have electronegativity values?

It is not true to say that any family does not have electronegativity values. It is tempting to say the inert gases, group 18, but we have a value for the electronegativity of xenon, 2.6 on the Pauling scale. Some of the other members of the group form compounds, though they are difficult or impossible to isolate, and their electronegativities have therefore not been measured. Whether they can thus be said to have electronegativity values or not is a moot point.

Do atoms with low electronegativity values tend to form positive ions?


What increases as you move up a column of the periodic table?

Electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, and atomic number are values that increase from left to right across a period.

What is required for a bond to be polar?

The bonding atoms/ions should have different values in electronegativity.

Can extreme values vary greatly from the central group of data values?
