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Methanogens which are archaebacteria found in the domain Archaea produce Methane! :]

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Q: What are bacteria that produce methane called?
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What are methanogenic bacteria and how do they produce methane?

NO bacteria are methanogenic, archaea are methanogenic. And they produce it through a process called chemolithoautotrophy, where they break down the inorganic molecules into energy.

Is methane a source of bacteria?

Methane is not a direct source of bacteria, bacteria does not spontaneously generate from methane alone. However, some archebacteria (a type of bacteria) called methogens use methane in metabolic processes in the cell. (Metabolic processes are processes the bacteria uses to get energy from other things)

How do you produce electricity from biodegradable waste?

Biodegradable waste can be digested by bacteria which will produce methane as a byproduct; methane is a flammable gas that can be used as fuel to run a turbine that generates electricity.

Why is poop stink?

The bacteria in feces produce methane gases or sulfur containing gases

What does a landfill produce?

The gas is called Methane

How farm waste can be use to produce methane gas?

By fermenting it with certain anaerobic bacteria.

What does bacteria that are adapted to live without oxygen combine carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce?

Methane is correct

Some bacteria that are adapted to live without oxygen combine carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce?


What is acetoclastic methanogenesis?

Acetoclastic methanogenesis is the process of fermenting acetate by anaerobic bacteria in order to produce methane.

What are fuels created by bacteria?

Bacteria in combination with organic material can produce methane gas. The addition of bacteria to heavy oil deposits to produce methane gas is new research, but it certainly looks promising. Bacteria does not create gasl on its own, but rather transforms the organic material into gas. I've included one link, where scientists claim that bacteria may be used to create oil, but I am not aware of any commercial applications. See links.

Organisms that use methane as an energy source usually produce as a byproduct?

An organism that uses methane as an energy source is called a methanotroph. Methanotrophs combine oxygen and methane to produce formaldehyde which is metabolized via the RuMP pathway.

What Gas produced as a waste of certain bacteria can be used as fuel?

bacteria usually produce waste by a cell membrane. Cell membranes are not impermeable