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Fissile elements are those in which the nucleus will fission or split, thus releasing energy. The two which are involved in nuclear reactors are uranium 235 and plutonium 239. Uranium is the only naturally occurring one, plutonium is created when uranium 238 is irradiated in a reactor, and when chemically separated and purified it can be used together with uranium for further supplies of nuclear fuel.

When a uranium 235 nucleus captures a neutron, it splits into two other nuclei, of lower atomic number (the fission products) and also releases another 2 or 3 neutrons, plus a lot of energy. By adjusting the balance between allowing neutrons to find U235 nuclei, and absorbing them in other material in the reactor, the reactor can be adjusted to just continue at a steady neutron flux level and hence a steady power level.

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2mo ago

Fissile elements are types of atoms that can undergo fission reactions when bombarded by neutrons. Uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are examples of fissile elements. What makes these elements fissile is their ability to sustain a chain reaction of nuclear fission, releasing large amounts of energy in the process.

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Which property makes elements such as uranium and plutonium useful for nuclear energy?

This characteristics is the possibility to be fissile when bombarded with neutrons and to maintain a chain reaction.

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Fissile and/or fusible elements, chemical explosives to start the reaction, electronics to handle arming/disarming/firing, etc.

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Its one of only 2 elements that have fissile isotopes, the other is plutonium which must be manufactured from uranium in reactors.

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This means the breeding of fissile material from non-fissile. Thus for example Pu239 results from irradiating U238 which is not fissile. Thorium can also be used to breed fissile uranium.

What uranium nucleus is fissile?

The isotopes 233U and 235U are fissile with thermal neutrons and the isotope 238U is fissile with fast neutrons.

What does it mean when the isotope is fissile?

"Fissile" means "capable of undergoing fission."

What are the same between uranium and plutonium?

Both are chemical elements, solid, metals, radioactive, having fissile isotopes, chemically reactive, toxic etc.

Similarties between uranium-235 and plutonium-239 in nuclear reactors?

Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 are fissile elements, fissionable with thermal neutrons.

Which uranium isotope is onley 0.7 percent of natural uranium and is the fissile part?

Uranium-235 is the isotope that makes up only 0.7% of natural uranium and is the fissile part. It is the isotope responsible for sustaining a nuclear chain reaction in reactors and weapons.

Why are only uranium and plutonium used in nuclear reactors?

Uranium and plutonium are used in nuclear reactors because they undergo nuclear fission, releasing a large amount of energy. This energy is harnessed to generate electricity. These elements are preferred due to their ability to sustain a chain reaction in a controlled manner within the reactor core.

Why were breeder reactors developed?

Breeder reactors were developed to allow use of non-fissile or fertile fuel, such as uranium-238 and thorium-232, instead of fissile fuel, such as uranium-235 and plutonium-239. They do have fissile fuel in them, but they use its neutron flux to convert the non-fissile (fertile) fuel into fissile form, extending the lifespan of the core.

Does a critical mass require enriched uranium?

No, a critical mass does not require enriched uranium. A critical mass is the minimum amount of fissile material needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. While enriched uranium is a commonly used fissile material for nuclear reactions, other materials such as plutonium can also achieve criticality.