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Uranium 234 has any benefit.

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Q: What are some benefits of uranium 234?
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Related questions

What is the use of uranium-234?

Uranium-234 has any practical use.

What is uranium 234 used for?

Anu use for the isotope uranium-234.

What has the mass number of uranium-234?

The mass number of the isotope uranium-234 is 142.

In Uranium-238 and Uranium-234 does neither element have a charge?

Uranium-238 and uranium-234 are not "elements", but they are natural isotopes of the chemical element uranium. The atoms are neutral.

What does uranium 234 looks like?

Uranium 234 is a natural isotope of uranium. Some characteristics: Atomic mass: 234,040 952 088 ± 0,000 001 960 amu Protons and electrons: 92 (atomic number) Neutrons: 144 Halflife: 2,455.105 years Concentratiom in natural uranium: 0,0058 % Uranium 234 has no technical use.

How many protons electrons and neutrons in uranium -234?

Uranium 234 has: 92 protons, 92 electrons and 142 neutrons.

How is thorium 234 changed into uranium 234?

Thorium-234 is not changed in uranium-234.- Th-234 is a decay product of U-238- By beta decay Th-234 is transformed in Pa-234

True or false uranium is a synthetic element?

Some isotopes may be, but uranium has 3 natural isotopes: 234, 235, 238

What is the mass number of thorium 234?

234 is the mass of that particular Uranium isotope. Exactly 234,040 952 088 ± 0,000 001 960 u.a.

The plutonium isotope with 145 neutrons?

And what is the question?

What is the uranium isotope with 144 neutrons?

There is no uranium isotope with 234 neutrons. The questioner almost certainly meant the uranium isotope with 234 nucleons, which is a naturally occurring isotope U234 otherwise element 92, with 142 neutrons.In which case its half life would be 252,000 years.

When uranium 238 changes into protactinium 234 how many protons does it lose?

Uranium-234 become protactinium by emission of a beta particle. A proton is transformed in a neutron.