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Two or more different atoms make a chemical compound.

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Q: What are substances that make up compound?
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Compound substances that make it up?

A chemical compound contain two or more different atoms.

How do separate two substances that make up a compound?

It depends on the compound. NaCl is best electolyzed molten as an example.

What can be determined using a chemical formula. A. the elements that make up the compound B. the pH of a solution C. the boiling point of a compound D. the substances that make up a solution?

A. Almost completely positive.

How you make compound?

by mixing 2 simpler substances.

Are properties of a compound the sane as the properties of the substances that make up the compound?

Compounds are made up of elements. There is chemical reaction. The properties are totally different in case of the compounds than that of the elements.

What are small Particles that make up all substances?

If the substance is an element, the smallest will be an atom. If it is a compound, then that would be a molecule.

What is made up of two or more substances?


How do you separate two substances that make a compound?

It depends on the compound. NaCl is best electolyzed molten as an example.

What is the scientific definition dor compound?

Two or more substances that make up an element. composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients.

What are substances that do not make a compound?

Elements or compounds which cannot react with each other.

What material is made up of two or more substances that can be separated by physical means?

Compounds are two or more substances chemically bonded together.

What the relationship between an element and a compound?

Elements make up compounds. These substances are all around you in the world. Many compounds, such as water, are essential to survive.