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flammable substances

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Q: What are substances that readily ignite and burn classified as?
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What are substances that readily ignite and burn classified?


What is meant by flammable substances?

Flammable substances are those gases, liquids and solids that will ignite and continue to burn in air if exposed to a source of ignition.

Can you change flammability of compound?

It depends on the substance. Yes, all flammable substances have a "flash-point". Every substance has a different flash point expressed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. If the temperature is below the flash point you will not be able to ignite it. And the higher the temp above the flash-point the more readily it will burn.

How do you prove a ball of wool is real wool and not man made?

The simplest, but not definitive, test is to burn a small amount. Wool will not ignite readily, but when it does burn smells like burning hair and what little ash it creates is "soft". Man-made fibres will generally ignite quickly, have an acrid smell and leave a hard or beaded ash.

Why aluminum can't behave in the same manner as powdered aluminum?

If you're talking about burning, then no. Powdered aluminum has an extremely high surface area, and oxidizes very quickly. An aluminum can does not nearly the same amount of surface area, and oxidizes much more slowly, so it won't burn readily.

What word means to ignite or burn easily?


Why will your car not ignite?

metal does not burn very well,

What will hapeen if acetone is ignite to flame?

Acetone easily burn.

What is the temperature needed to ignite carpet?

hot enough to burn it

Why it is more difficult to burn some combustible substances than others?

There are many variables which affect the ease of combustion. The degree of mixing with the air is a very large factor. Powdered coal dust in air will ignite explosively, while lumps of coal are much harder to ignite. Different compounds have different activation energies for combustion and there require different temperatures to ignite. Sometimes combustible materials are mixed with non-combustible materials which also makes them harder to burn; for example, dry paper burns quite well, but wet paper is very difficult to burn.

Does cotton wool burn?

Yes, wool is flammable, but is one of the most fire resistant textiles. It has a high ignition temperature, and once it finally reaches the temperature to burn, it burns slowly and is easily extinguishable.

What is a noncombustible material?

Substances that do not burn on heating are classified into a group called non-combustible substance. Eg: Sand, Water, Iron nails, Glass, Stone, Asbestos, Cement.