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The allowed orbital types for the second period of the periodic table are 2s and 2p.

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Q: What are the allowed orbital types for the second period of the periodic table?
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What are the allowed orbital types for the second period of the periodic table (i.e. n 2)?

For n=2, you can have only s and p orbitals, hence all elements in this period are either in s-block or p-block.

Which Groups have an s-orbital as the last orbital?

Groups 1 & 2 (1st and second column in the periodic table)(:

Which period on the periodic table contains the element lithium?

The second period. (Rows)

How many orbital shells do boron have?

Boron has 2 shells altogether. 2 electrons on the first one and the remaining three on the second. Altogether boron (B) has 5 electrons.

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Lithium is in the second period and the first group in the Periodic Table of Mendeleev.

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A wave or other periodic phenomenon with a period of 1 second has a frequency of 1 Hz.

What are the first three periods of the periodic table called?

The first three periods of the periodic table are called the first period, second period, and third period.

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What do periods and groups have in common in a periodic table?

Every element in the top row (the first period) has one orbital for its electrons. All of the elements in the second row (the second period) have two orbitals for their electrons. It goes down the periodic table like that. This also means that the atomic weight of the elements gets larger and larger in each period.

What planet planet takes 29 years to orbit the sun?

The orbital period of Saturn is 29.4571 years. Its orbital velocity is 9.69 kilometers per second and the orbital path is about 9 billion kilometers.

What is nitrogen period number?

Nitrogen (denoted N) is in the second period and in the fifteenth group.A period is a row in the periodic table.It is referred as an period because the elements (in this case: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne) have similar properties between them. For those that have an greater understanding (or desire) of chemistry, each element in the second period have an 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals.Refer to your copy of your periodic table for a better comprehension. Or look at the 'Related links' below.

What is second period at the bottom of the periodic table called?

The first period is at the top of the table. It consists of hydrogen and helium. The bottom period is period 7.