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when a bond is formed then the forces of attraction are dominant to the forces of repulsion.for a chemical bond to be formed this is compulsory.

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6y ago

In a covalent bond electrons are shared.

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Q: What are the attractive and repulsive forces involved in a covalent bond and how do their total strengths compare?
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Why is gravity always attractive?

Because mass is always positive. If one of the two objects involved gravitationally were composed of negative mass, then the force would be repulsive.

What type of bond involved sharing electrons?

Covalent bonding.

Which universal force can repel as well as attract?

The gravitational force is proportional to the product of the two masses involved. The product is always positive, since mass is always positive. The electrical force is proportional to the product of the two charges involved. The product can be positive or negative, since either charge can be positive or negative.

Which particles in an atom are involved in a covalent bond?

Particles formed from the covalent bonding of atoms are called molecules.

Do ionic or covalent have hydrogen?

Hydrogen is involved in covalent bonds but sometimes also in ionic bonds.

A is involved in the transfer or sharing of electrons?

Covalent Bond

Is H2O ionic or covalent?

H2O (water) is a covalent compound, as no metals are involved.

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polar covalent - use the electronegativity difference

What are atoms involved in covalent bonding called ions anions cations or molecules?

Atoms involved in covalent bonding are just called atoms. Molecules are composed of covalently bonded atoms.

How does the strong force keep the nucleus stable?

The strong nuclear force is an attractive force that counteracts (or rather balances-out) the repulsive coulomb force. Forces can be modelled by an exchange of particles between the involved bodies. I think the particle responsible for the strong nuclear force is the gluon. In a nucleus there should be a balance of protons and neutrons; too many protons and the repulsive force will be too high, too many neutrons and there won't be enough glue to go round.

What are atoms involved in covalent bonding?

Covalent bonds are made up of just Non-Metal atoms, for example, water is a covalent bond in which the chemical formulae is (H2O)

Are electrons shared in covalent bonding?

A covalent bond is a bond that is characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms, and other covalent bonds. The stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding.