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According to the first law of thermodynamics energy can neither be created nor be destroyed and any change in energy of a system is accounted for by work done.

The work-energy relationship is the foundation on which all engines and motors operate, including the human engine. Energy gets converted into other forms of energy or it gets used to do work.

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3w ago

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. This means that in any energy transfer or transformation process, the total energy remains constant. Understanding and applying this law helps in predicting and analyzing energy changes in various systems, including heat engines, chemical reactions, and other processes.

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14y ago

1st Law states that the energy remains conserved but it doesn't indicate 1. The direction of heat transfer. 2. The conditions under which heat can be converted into work. 3. It doesn't tell why the whole of heat energy cannot be converted into mechanical work. 4. There are many irreversible process occur in nature. 1st law cannot explain the lack of reversibility ex: heat flows naturally from a hot body to cold body but heat will never of itself flow from a cold body to a hot body.


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12y ago

On a large scale, no limitations have been found. However, the modern understanding is that the second law of thermodynamics is statistical in nature. Entropy may well decrease - by pure chance - if you have a small set of particles. With the billions of particles we encounter in daily life, these random events tend to even out, and the Second Law applies very well. That means that it is extremely improbable for entropy to decrease noticeably, in large-scale objects.

There is also the issue of Maxwell's demon. Maxwell postulated a situation where an intelligent little demon could open and close a frictionless, massless door to allow gas molecules to move only one way through a barrier, thus allowing an effective circumvention of the second law by the application of intelligence. Several experiments have suggested that decision making by inanimate objects - such as computers - still requires an output of heat to the surroundings, thus staying within the second law. This appears to also be true of the human brain when making decisions. Whether it also applies to demons or divinity is still unanswered by science, and remains a question for theologians and philosophers.

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12y ago

1. A major limitation of the first law of thermodynamics is that its merely indicates that in any process there is an exact equivalence between the various forms of energies involved, but it provides no information concerning the spontaneity or feasibility of the process. For example, the first law does not indicate whether heat can flow from a cold end to a hot end or not.

2. If in the expansion of a gas the opposing pressure is infinitesimally smaller than the pressure of the gas, the expansion takes place infinitesimally slowly i.e. reversible. If however, the opposing pressure is much smaller than the pressure of the gas the expansion takes place rapidly i.e. irreversibly. Natural processes are spontaneous and irreversible.

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10y ago

Like any discipline, in physics or otherwide, thermodynamics covers only a limited range of concepts, conditions, and interactions. It deals primarily with heat, and in some ways can be extended to other forms of energy and energy transfer. Because energy transfers are involved in a great many phenomina, thermodynamics is sometimes credited with explaining everything, but it does not. It explains some aspects of many things, but it has nothing to do with, for instance, the propogation of light in a vacuum, love, gravity, poetry, and many many other tings.

That said, even within the realms of heat and other energy transfers, thermodynamics has several limitations:

  • The first law doesn't predict direction of energy flow - it requires the second law.
  • Thermodynamics predicts what we observe but doesn't actually explain why it happens; it explains that heat flows from hot to cold but doesn't explain what energy actually is.
  • Thermodynamics is statistically based. It explains what is most probable, but there is still a finite probability of situations that would violate the macroscopic predictions of thermodynamics, even though those violations have such a low probability that they would not be expected to occur anywhere in the universe.
  • Thermodynamics does not account for intelligence - although some attempts have been made to account for the energy expended by decision making. For more discussion on this issue you may want to look up "Maxwell's Demon".
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8y ago

The usual statements of the first law of thermodynamics normally do not take into account Einstein's famous equation E = mc2. To generalize it we should state that the energy AND MASS of an isolated system are conserved since we know that mass can be converted to energy - as demonstrated by fusion reactions. The decrease in mass is exactly counterbalanced by an increase in energy according to Einstein's formula.

  1. It does not tell us the direction of flow of heat (that's covered by the second law); it only tells us that when two bodies of different temperatures are there in a closed system undergoing a cyclic process that the net heat change will be equal to work done, i.e. internal energy change is 0. i.e. it is unable to tell us that from which body to which body is energy flowing.
  2. It does not tell us the rate of heat transfer.
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11y ago

A suggested consequence of the first two laws of thermodynamics is that they falsify Darwin's theory of evolution.

Of all the laws of science, the laws of thermodynamics, particularly the first two, are the most important. These laws can be applied to the most enormous objects in the universe or to tiny invisible particles. They hold true for matter or energy, or both.

A wide variety of conditions can be applied and the results will always be the same. The two laws of thermodynamics impact almost every branch of science. They were formally discovered around 200 years ago in the course of experiments with heat and its movement.

The Greek word for "thermodynamics" is composed of "therme" meaning heat and "dunamis" referring to power or energy. Energy is difficult to define because it cannot be seen and does not have mass. You can only observe its effects. You cannot see electricity, but you can see its effect when lightning strikes the earth. There are different kinds of energy-mechanical, chemical, electrical, magnetic, and nuclear, heat and light. The most amazing phenomenon found while developing the steam engine during the Industrial Revolution is that heat energy can be transformed into mechanical and other kinds of energy (nuclear energy excepted). This prompted fresh insight into how all kinds of energy can be transferred from one form to another. As investigations continued, definite predictable patterns were formed. Mathematical relationships were discovered, giving birth to the most fundamental laws of science.

The Laws of Thermodynamics

These laws were developed by Lord William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907), a devout Christian and creationist whose stature as a scientist rivals that of Newton. Lord Kelvin made numerous contributions to science including many inventions. He held 21 honorary doctorates.

The First Law of Thermodynamics holds that the amount of energy and matter will remain constant. Matter or energy may change from one form to another but will always be conserved. Matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed. This law is known as the Law of Conservation of matter and energy.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics holds that energy and matter have a universal tendency to go to disorder, a process known as entropy. The universe is basically running down in every form. Organization if let alone becomes disorganization. Energy must be added to the system to increase order and lower entropy.

Both of these laws run counter to the concept of Darwinian Evolution. They tell us that without an influx of energy from a source outside of a closed system, e.g. the universe, matter will go from organization to disorganization and that in our present universe matter is not created or destroyed and will tend towards conservation not upward evolutionary changes.

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7y ago

It could be argued that the most significant implication is that you can't create energy. That means that any engine has to get energy from somewhere in order to perform any work. Usually that come in terms of fuel - or plugging it in - or sticking batteries in it, etc. Anyone claiming to have a machine that can make it's own energy is either delusional, ignorant, or trying to scam you.

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14y ago

The entropy of an isolated system will increase over time. Differences in temperature tend to balance, heat flows from high temp. to cold.

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Which law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another.

What is another name for the first law of Thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics is also known as the Law of Energy Conservation.

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That's related to the First Law of Thermodynamics - the Law of Conservation of Energy.

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Not exactly. The first law of thermodynamics, i.e. the law of conservation of energy, also accounts for heat as one of the many forms that energy can take. There is no one law called "the law of thermodynamics", but there are several "Laws of Thermodynamics" (note the plural form "LAWS").

What law of thermodynamics states that energy is neither created or destroyed?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system; it can only change forms. This law is also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Of thermodynamics is a restatement of the law of conservation?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. This is a restatement of the law of conservation of energy.

What is universal law of energy?

There is no commonly accepted law by that name, as far as I know. Two important laws about energy are the First Law of Thermodynamics and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The first law of thermodynamics is related to the conservation of which quantity?

The first law of thermodynamics is related to the conservation of energy. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another.

Different ways to state the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred or converted from one form to another. It can also be expressed as the principle of conservation of energy, where the total energy within a closed system remains constant over time.

What is another name for the Law of Conservation of Energy?

Another name for the Law of Conservation of Energy is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred or transformed.

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zeroth law forms the basis for first law of thermodynamics

How many thermodynamics laws are there?

Basically four: the zeroeth law, the first law, the second law and the third law.