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Q: What are the receptors that detect changes in blood gas concentrations?
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Which receptor is likely to detect changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration in the blood?

The receptors that are likely to detect changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration in the blood are chemoreceptors located in the aorta and carotid arteries. These chemoreceptors detect changes in the pH of the blood and send signals to the brain to regulate breathing heart rate and other bodily functions. The receptors are sensitive to the following: Carbon dioxide concentration Oxygen concentration pH of the bloodThe chemoreceptors are located in the walls of the aorta and carotid arteries and are sensitive to the changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations. When the concentrations of these two gases change the chemoreceptors send signals to the brain which then responds with appropriate adjustments in breathing rate and heart rate.

What causes the drive to breath?

Increases in blood carbon dioxide and/or hydrogen ion concentrations cross the blood brain barrier to stimulate the drive to breath. The receptors that detect these changes in concentration are called, central chemorecptors. Other receptors within the body may also initiate or stop a breath depending on their site.

What is glucose receptors?

The purpose of the glucose receptors is to detect blood glucose levels. The Islets of Langerhorn dispatch alpha cells to detect low blood glucose and beta cells to detect high blood glucose levels.

Receptors that detect carbon dioxide levels in the blood are?

Chemoreceptors detect the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.

What are the receptors thatdetect the blood pressure known as?

The receptors in the body that detect pressure are known as baroreceptors.

Receptors that monitor the pH and the carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations of arterial blood are?


What do shark detect with chemo receptors?

A drop of blood in a large pool of water.

What is the role of internal receptors in heart rate?

The medulla in the brain is where the cardiac centre is. From here it receives signals from the chemoreceptors, these receptors detect chemical. They detect the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.

Where are the receptors that sense changes in blood glucose?

the pancreas

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What describes a link between the nervous and excretory systems?

nerves detect changes to salt levels in the blood

Sensory receptors that respond to changes in blood pressure are called?
