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Nausea is a possibility.

Unless you're in some kind of restricted space where you're ALSO not getting enough oxygen, you're unlikely to contract any actual medical condition from this. it may smell bad, but the smell alone is actually not really that bad for you. Certain compounds that are present might be a bigger problem, but are not likely to be present in high enough concentrations to actually be a signficant medical concern. For example, hydrogen sulfide (which smells like rotten eggs) is a horrific stench, but if you can still smell it that's actually a sign you haven't reached the point where respiratory collapse is a real possibility; it anesthetizes your sense of smell at around 1/3 the concentration required to cause pulmonary edema.

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Q: What are the symptoms of breathing fumes from human fecal fumes for long time?
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How hazardous can human fecus fumes be to your health?

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Breathing animal urine does not pose a risk to most people. However, in concentrated amounts found in poorly ventilated areas, ammonia fumes produced by animal urine can cause a number of serious symptoms after long-term exposure. These symptoms may include burning and watering of the eyes, coughing, wheezing, headache, and nausea, among others. The World Health Organization considers ammonia to be a possible carcinogen, meaning that inhalation of these fumes may be linked to cancer growth. Never clean up animal urine that has a strong ammonia smell with bleach; mixing bleach with ammonia will cause toxic gases to form.The most common symptoms reported include headaches and burning, watery eyes.

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