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The very electronegative oxygen atom.

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Q: What atom accepts electrons at the of the electron transport chain?
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What accepts the electrons at the end of the electron transport chain?

The answer is cloroplasts.

Which of the electron transport chain protein complexes accepts electrons from FADH2?

Complex 2 (succinate dehydrogenase)

Series of electron acceptors in the thylakoid membrane that removes energy from excited electrons to produce ATP?

Electron transport chain.

Why is oxygen needed to produce ATP on the cristae of mitochondrion?

1)ATP formed as electrons pass along transport chain 2)oxygen is terminal electron acceptor / accepts electrons from electron transport chain 3)electrons cannot be passed along electron transport chain if no O2 to accept them 4)forms H2O / accepts H+ from reduced NAD/FAD / oxidises reduced NAD/FAD

Transport chain series of proteins embedded in a membrane along which energized electrons are transported as electrons are passed from molecule energy is released?

Transport chain series of proteins embedded in a membrane along which energized electrons are transported as electrons are passed from molecule energy is released?

High-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed into and along the?

Electron Transport Chain

How many electrons can a NADH molecule carry?

The electron transport chain is also known as the respiratory chain. NADH carries electrons in the form of hydrogen atoms to the electron transport chain.

What uses energy from the high-energy electrons to transport hydrogen across the thylakoid membrane?

Electron transport chain

What does the electron transport chain use the high energy electrons for the Krebs cycle for?

The electrons are passed down the electron transport chain for use in ATP production.

Does the hydrogen serve as the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor of the electron transfer chain. Hydrogen ( protons ) come down their concentration gradient and through the ATP sythase making ATP. Then they, with the electrons oxygen accepts, become H2O.

What happens as the electrons are passed along the electron carries in the electron transport chain?

Hydrogen ions are pumped across the mitochondria's inner membrane producing a concentration gradient

Where does the electron transport chain get high energy electrons that are passed down the chains?

High-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed along the electron transport chain