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The answer depends on how the bond is formed.

The bond between two atoms could be an ionic bond if the electrons are transferred between the two atoms or the bond could be covalent if the electrons are shared between the two atoms.

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Q: What bond is formed by the union of two more atoms?
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Bond formed when atoms share one or more pairs of electrons is called an..?

Covalent bond

What bond is formed by the sharing of one or more electrons?

A covalent chemical bond. It can be polar or non polar. Non-polar covalent bond is formed when the electron(s) is/are shared equally by the combining atoms. Polar covalent bond is formed when the electron(s) is/are shared unequally or is/are attracted more by one of the combining atoms.

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What chemical bond is formed when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons?

Covalent bond

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A double bond is a covalent bond formed when two atoms share two pairs of electrons.

What formed an ionic bond?

It is a bond formed by the attraction between two oppositely charged ions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When atoms of different elements exchange an electron (ie one donates one or more electrons to the other), then an Ionic bond between the atoms is made

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A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share electrons. This could be either a polar covalent bond or a non-polar covalent bond. Also, a more complex type of covalent bonding is the coordinate bonding.

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A charged group of covalently bonded atoms is called a polyatomic ion.

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A compound is formed when atoms of two or more elements form a chemical bond with each other to create a substance which has different properties than those of the elements from which it was formed. The valence bond model assumes that a chemical bond is formed when there is good overlap between the atomic orbitals of participating atoms

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What is the meaning of ionic bonding?

Ionic bonding is chemical bond formed between ions of opposite charges.In ionic bonding one or more atoms give up one or more electrons to bond with other atoms

What kind of bond has electrons being shared between two atoms?

The bond that is formed when two or more pairs of elcetrons are shared is called a covalent bond.