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Q: What chemicals is the most non-polar c2h5oh pcl5 or chcl3?
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Do phospholipids dissolve in chloroform?

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What do nonpolar molecule have?

Nonpolar molecules have no net dipoles. The most common nonpolar molecules are hydrocarbons. These are molecules made entirely of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

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Halogens on their own are simple elements and are thus nonpolar. Nonpolar substances dissolve most easily in nonpolar solvents.

What do nonpolars have?

Nonpolar molecules have no net dipoles. The most common nonpolar molecules are hydrocarbons. These are molecules made entirely of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

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The only drinking alcohol is ethanol - C2H5OH.

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Carotenes (golden in colour)

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Answer.Acetone, is the colourless volatile pungent liquid, used in the manufacture of chemicals and as a solvent used for paints, varnishes and lacquer's.

C6H6 C2H5OH CH3CH2CH2OH CH3-O-CH3 Which compound has more repulsion with water and why?

C6H6 will be repelled the most. C2H5OH and CH3CH2CH2OH are both alcohols, both are polar molecules and will easily dissolve in water.CH3OCH3 is dimethyl ether and will repel water, though it is slightly polar.C6H6 or benzene will be repelled by water the most, as benzene is non polar and water is polar.