

What compound is an isomer of C4H9OH?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What compound is an isomer of C4H9OH?
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How many part of isomer?

If you mean what is an isomer then it is a compound with the same chemical formula but with a different structure

A carbon molecule that has a different arrangement of atoms is known as a?

Is known as an Isomer.====Answer 2An isomer is a variation of a compound with a different chemical structure.Carbon, by itself, of course is an element and not a compound. Thus I believe that this is known as an allotrope of carbon and not an isomer. Graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon as the arrangement of the atoms differs.

Is isobutanol a structural isomer of 1- butanol and 2-butanol?

Isobutanol is an organic compound that has a colorless, flammable liquid with a characteristic smell. It is a structural isomer of 2-butanol.

What is C4H9OH?

butylalcohol (butanol)

What is the difference between a monomer and an isomer?

A monomer is a base unit/building block of a polymer (a long-chain unit). For example, the monomers of proteins are amino acids. An isomer is a compound that has the same molecular formula as another compound but a different structural arrangement of the atoms.

What is the isomer for c3h8o3?

There will be several chemical compounds with that empirical formula. Each compound will have one or more isomers. Without knowledge of the particular molecular formula you are asking about, the question is unanswerable except at great length. The obvious (?) compound would be propan-1,2,3-triol - that has a single isomer.

What is asymmetric synthesis?

When a compound containing an asymmetric carbon atom is synthesised by ordinary laboratory methods from a symmetric compound ,the product is a racemic mixture.if ,however ,such a synthesis is carried under the asymmetric influence of a suitable optically active reagent ,only one of the optically active isomers ( or-)is formed.This process in which an asymmetric compound is synthesised from a symmetric compound to yield the ( ) isomer or (-)isomer directly is termed asymmetric synthesis.

Which isomer packs more efficiently in the solid phase Cis isomer or Trans Isomer?

trans isomers

How does isomer exist?

An isomer is a molecule or compound that has the same number of atoms as another but a different structure, different physical and chemical properties. Isomers can exist because in large molecules there are several different ways you can position the same elements to make different structures.

Is cacl2 an isomer?

No. CaCl2 is neither ans isomer, nor does it have isomers.

Is dimethyl ether a structural isomer?

Yes it is. It's structural isomer is ethanol C2H5OH

Is hydrogen an isomer?
