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Q: What displays graphical elements called icon to represent familiar objects?
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Does salt water increase the freezing temperature of water?

In simplicity, salt decreases the freezing temperature of water by allowing the particles of water (H2O) to more faster at lower temperatures. By giving this answer, I assumed you are familiar with the particle theory and the Periodic Table of elements.

Is halogens a gas?

The halogens or halogen elements are a series of nonmetal elements from Group 17 IUPAC Style (formerly: VII, VIIA) of the periodic table, comprising fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). The artificially created element 117, provisionally referred to by the systematic name ununseptium, may also be a halogen. The group of halogens is the only periodic table group which contains elements in all three familiar states of matter at standard temperature and pressure.

How do elements differ from other pure substances?

Natural element differ for elements because elements or atoms are a basic unit of matter that consists of negitively charged electrons, a nucleus the contains a mix of postitively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons. However, natural elements e.g water is made up of two elements that are Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O), H2O means Hydrogen 2 oxygen 1 which means in each compound there are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, you occasionly get an odd compound of H2O2 but 99.9% of the time it is H2O. Fire is difficult because fire is made of heat, light and release CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). So basically natural elements are made of elements. AlsoThere are 90 natural elements, ranging from the lightest, hydrogen, to the heaviest, uranium. Other familiar elements are aluminium, carbon, copper, and oxygen. Every substance on Earth is made up of one or more of these 90 elements. Oxygen is the most common element on Earth. Hydrogen is the most common element in the Universe.

What familiar plastic and rubber materials composed of hydrocarbons'?


What state of mater are most nonmetals?

Most non-metallic elements are gases. They include all the noble gases (group 18), fluorine and chlorine in group 17, oxygen, and nitrogen. Under normal, familiar conditions, bromine is a liquid, and sulfur, selenium, phosphorus, and iodine are solids. Anything not mentioned is either a metal or a metalloid.

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Creating a mnemonic device involves?

finding something familiar to represent something unfamiliar.

What are familiar compound elements?

H2O CO2 NaCl

What are ghosts attracted to. What objects?

Ghosts are mainly attracted to objects that they were familiar to when they were alive. They are also attracted to noises that represent a familiar environment to, also.

What are three familiar chemical elements?

1.aluminum 2.helium 3.hydrogen

What familiar elements does the pardoners tale include?

"The Pardoner's Tale" includes familiar elements such as deception, greed, and moral corruption. The tale explores the consequences of these vices through the characters' actions and choices. Additionally, it presents a moral lesson about the dangers of indulging in sinful behaviors.

What is the function of the title bar?

title bar

What is the chemical familiar of hydrogen?

Hydrogen is a gas, nonmetal, considered by IUPAC a member of the group I of the periodic table of elements.

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The elements of planned change that a criminal justice administrator must be familiar with to ensure that change is effected rationally and successfully involves not cheating to get your criminal justice degree and reading the textbook.

What makes a graphical user interface user-frinedly?

It has to be familiar and easy for anyone to navigate. If it's confusing, and unfamiliar, it won't be user-friendly. It must also do what it is designed to do, and a person has to be able to do what it was made for without struggles.

What does a guey mean?

It's written wrong it's "güey" and it's like brother or sister in a familiar and vulgar way.

What elements make a piece of fiction work?

Keeping what conventions work familiar, yet infusing them with your own personal truth.

How are epic poets and rappers similar?

They recite words to the rhythm and represent their culture. They also combine flawed stories and familiar expressions with improvisation.