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This statement might be a good definition of a chemical compound.

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Q: What do we call a substance containing atoms of different elements in definite fixed ratios that are bonded together?
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Is compound a substance in which the atoms are alike but different from the atoms of other elements?

Compound or substance: a molecule containing two or more types of chemical elements.

How do compounds differ from elments?

Compounds is a pure chemical substance made of two different elements. Elements is pure chemical substance containing only one atom.

Is a compound a substance of two or more elements bounded together in definite proportions?

A compound is a substance of two or more elements bounded together in definite atomical proportions

When do you call a substances compound?

A compound is a chemical substance containing in the molecule two or more different chemical elements.

What is a mixture and how is different from a compound?

a compound is a substance containing 2 or more different types of elements while a mixture is a substance containing 2 or more different materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The components of a compound can not be separated by physical means, the components of a mixture can be separated by physical means.

What is a mixture and how is it different from a compound?

a compound is a substance containing 2 or more different types of elements while a mixture is a substance containing 2 or more different materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The components of a compound can not be separated by physical means, the components of a mixture can be separated by physical means.

Why is a sample of matter considered a pure substance?

A pure substance is either an element or compound. Elements are composed of only one kind of atom, and compounds are composed of a definite proportion of atoms of different elements that is always the same.

Is a substance formed by the chemical joining of two or more elements in definite of?


What is a substance which contains atoms of two or more elements combined together?

Hydrogen and Oxygen are only two elements in water

What kind of substance is made of only one kind of matter and has definite properties?


What are pure compounds?

A substance made from two or more elements in definite proportions. eg NaCl

Substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportion?

A compoundcompound