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a two letter thing that represents the other thing

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Q: What do you need in each square in the periodic table?
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Why do the key features of the periodic table relate to the results of titration?

You don't need the periodic table for titrations (manual or potentiometric).

What is the element on the periodic table that is used for hormone regulation Pleez help you i have to do this over Christmas break you need help pleez help?

a=mc square

Why do you need to learn the periodic table?

The periodic table should be memorized because it will make you know the symbols without searching for them all of the time. If you are in school, it is very likely that you will be tested on the table.

What group and family is carbon on the periodic table?

i need help plz.... :(

What have 14 Protons?

To figure this out, all you need to do is look at a periodic table. On the periodic table, locate the element whose atomic number is 14 and you have your answer. It turns out that that element is silicon.

How do you name the elements of the periodic table?

There is no need to name them. They have already been named

Did an englishmen invent the first periodic table?

No. It was a Russian. The link has the information you need.

How would you predict where it would fit in the periodic table if you did not know it's atomic number?

I'm assuming you have the internet because you used this website. look up an online periodic table and find the element you need on the table

How do new elements get added to the periodic table?

PeuPeuKarlrulez777:they need to be discovered somewhere in the world

What is the formula for atomic mass of carbon?

You don't need a formula for that. It's on the periodic table.

Where can you find a chart listing the amount of protons nutrons and electrons are in an atom?

All you need is the periodic table and a brain. The number of protons is the atomic number(located at the top left hand side of the square for each element) The number of nutrons is the the Atomic Mass minus the Atomic Number.

How do you find the mass of hydrogen?

Look on a periodic table. If you have different isotopes then you need to multiply the mass number and atomic number and then find the average of them and you'll have the average atomic mass which is the same as on the periodic table. The location of the mass number on a periodic table depends but it's normally the one with a decimal.