

What does rubbing alcohol smell like?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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The best known is denatorium benzoate, especially for the disagreeable taste.

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Q: What does rubbing alcohol smell like?
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Why does your perspiration smell like rubbing alcohol?

If it smells like alcohol or nail polish remover you could be a diabetic. If you are a heavy drinker, alcohol comes out of the pores, but usually does not smell like regular rubbing alcohol

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What is green rubbing alcohol used for?

Green rubbing alcohol is used in the same ways that regular rubbing alcohol is used. It is used for first-aid like scrapes and cuts, but generally has additives like menthol oil to smell and feel tingly and minty.

How do you eliminate the smell of rubbing alcohol?

The smell should disappear as the alcohol evaporates. A chemist may be able to recommend a different product.

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I think it smells more like a mild sharpie

Is it a freon leak if the car smells like rubbing alcohol the first couple of minutes the air conditioner is turned on?

The rubbing alcohol smell can indicate a Freon leak. The smell can also indicate a plugged drain tube. There is natural condensation that needs to drain away from the air conditioning compressor.

Will shrimp smell like rubbing alcohol if it's bad?

Fresh fish, in any form, doesn't smell. I would suggest you dont eat any fish that smells.

Is there another scientific name for rubbing alcohol?

Yes, another common name for rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol.

What chemical smells like rubbing alcohol but is not flammable?

Ammonium Fluoride smells like rubbing alcohol but is not flammable. Alcohol itself is extremely flammable and dangerous when exposed to heat.

How much rubbing alcohol will cause alcohol toxicity?

You shouldn't ever drink rubbing alcohol. It isn't the same as the alcohol in beer, wine, whiskey, etc. Rubbing alcohol is very dangerous and cause things like blindness and death.

What is the importance of using isopropyl alcohol?

Isopropyl alcohol, commonly known as rubbing alcohol, is a solvent that is often used for cleaning or as a disinfectant. It is important to note that this is not the same as ethanol which is the type you can drink. Isopropyl alcohol is poisonous and should never be ingested.

How can you get the smell of dog urine out of cedar wood chips?

Rubbing alcohol will kill the bacteria, but if it's started to smell it's already too late.