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they both have fur and claws this is a good answer and to answer other questions like this you should just think of all of the similarities.

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This element is carbon.

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Carbon is an example.

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Q: What element can form four covalent bonds with other atoms?
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What bonds does carbon atoms tend to form?

Carbon will almost always form bonds with other carbon atoms, and that is part of what makes it such a useful element.

What is an element whose atoms can form a covalent bonds with another atom of the same element called?

The answer expected here is non-metal, and examples are carbon, chlorine, sulfur phosphorus. Metals have metallic bonds. However there are compounds where atoms of a metallic element form covalent bonds to other atoms of the same element.

The carbon atoms in organic molecules are bonded to other atoms by?

Carbon atoms are fixed into organic compounds in The Calvin Cycle.

How can atoms combine with other atoms?

By sharing electrons in covalent bonds or by transferring electrons in ionic bonds

What element has atoms that can form single double and triple covalent bonds with other atoms of carbon?

Nitrogen can form single, double, and triple bonds with carbon. The triple bond form is called cyanide.

When atoms form chemical bonds with other atoms the atoms have joined together chemically?

Yes. Chemical bonds include covalent bonds and ionic bonds.

When fluorine atoms form covalent bonds with other kinds of atoms are the bonds polar or non polar?


How would an atom with 2 electrons in its second shell combine with other atoms?

double covalent bonds. single covalent bonds.

What are two ways atoms can combine to form compounds?

You can form compounds with ionic bonds, or covalent bonds. Example 1: Salts are bonded together with ionic bonds, such as NaCl or CuCl2. When compounds have ionic bonds it is the electrostatic force between the atoms that bonds them together. Example 2: Inorganic/organic molecules are mostly bonded together with covalent bonding. this means that the atoms share pairs of electrons with each other, and there is a equilibrium between the attractive and repulsive forces between the atoms. CO2, EtOH, H2O all have covalent bonds "holding" the molecule together

What atom forms two covalent bonds?

Two oxygen atoms, you sneaky person, you.

How many covalent bonds can carbon form with other atoms?

Because its outer shell can hold up to eight electrons, carbon can share electrons with up to four other atoms. Therefore, it can from four covalent bonds.

What elements can form covalent bonds with other elements?

This element is carbon.