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All alkali earth metals have 2 valence electrons.

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Q: What element is a metal with 2 valence electron?
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What element has 2 electron shells and 4 valence electrons?

Two electrons imply that the element is in the second period. The 4 valence electrons says that it is located in group 4A (or group 14 in modern notation). Hence, this element is carbon.The element has 2 electron shells means the element is in the 2nd group. This element is carbon. It has 4 valence electrons.

How many valance electrons does palladium have?

Palladium have 3 valence electrons because this metal is located in the transition metal section, which means all the elements in 3-12 have 3 valence electrons.

How many core electron and valence electron does a nitrogen has?

Nitrogen is the element located in group 15, period 2. Thus, its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p3. That means that 2 is its valence shell and 1 is its core shell. Therefore, nitrogen has 2 core electrons and 5 valence electrons.

What element has 2 valence electrons and 4 energey levels?

Calcium has 2 valence electrons and 4 electron shells. It is represented by the chemical symbol Ca.

What is the relationship between an element's number of valence electrons and its reactivity?

When we say valence electron we mean the number of electron left it the outermost shell of element, valence electron can be positive of negetive. If an element need much electrons to be octet, that means that the element is not reactive than the one who will give out electrons, the the one who can give electrons much are less reactive than the one who can give a litle and the reaction will be normal as it is soppused to be, Eg lithium and berylium. Lithium is more reactive than berylium because lithuin has 1valence electron while berylium has 2....reactivity goes with the action of valence electron in an element

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How many valence electron are in a baruim?

Barium is a group 2 element. All group 2 elements have 2 valence electrons. Thus, barium has 2 valence electrons.

What element can be combined with beryllium?

Alkaline earth solid metal, natural element, group 2, period 2

What element has 2 electron shells and 4 valence electrons?

Two electrons imply that the element is in the second period. The 4 valence electrons says that it is located in group 4A (or group 14 in modern notation). Hence, this element is carbon.The element has 2 electron shells means the element is in the 2nd group. This element is carbon. It has 4 valence electrons.

How many electrons does the element SC have?

I believe 4s2 is the distinguishing (last) electron

How many valance electrons does palladium have?

Palladium have 3 valence electrons because this metal is located in the transition metal section, which means all the elements in 3-12 have 3 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons do alkali earth metals have?


How many core electron and valence electron does a nitrogen has?

Nitrogen is the element located in group 15, period 2. Thus, its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p3. That means that 2 is its valence shell and 1 is its core shell. Therefore, nitrogen has 2 core electrons and 5 valence electrons.

What element has 2 valence electrons and 4 energey levels?

Calcium has 2 valence electrons and 4 electron shells. It is represented by the chemical symbol Ca.

What is the relationship between an element's number of valence electrons and its reactivity?

When we say valence electron we mean the number of electron left it the outermost shell of element, valence electron can be positive of negetive. If an element need much electrons to be octet, that means that the element is not reactive than the one who will give out electrons, the the one who can give electrons much are less reactive than the one who can give a litle and the reaction will be normal as it is soppused to be, Eg lithium and berylium. Lithium is more reactive than berylium because lithuin has 1valence electron while berylium has 2....reactivity goes with the action of valence electron in an element

What element has 6 valence electrons and 2 energy levels and is a non metal?


How many valence electrons does barium have?

There are 2 valence electrons in Barium.

How many valence electron level does an element have?

Except for elements 1 and 2, all elements are stable with how many electrons in their outermost (valence) level?