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These elements are the alkali metals.

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Q: What element reacts by losing 1 electron?
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What has one valence electron and reacts with other elements?

Any element in column 1 of a wide form periodic table has exactly one valence electron and reacts with other elements.

Is lithium a metal or nonmetal?

Lithium is a metal, it reacts by losing an electron to form a positive ion. It is a member of Group 1 with sodium and potassium.

Which element has 1 valence electron and is in period 1.?

The element with 1 electron in period 1 would be hydrogen.

What group of elements react by losing one electron?

The alkali metals in group 1 react by losing one electron.

Is sodium stable by losing 1 electron?


What is the smallest element that maintains the properties of an element?

The smallest element on the Periodic Table is Hydrogen. It has only 1 electron in 1 electron shell and 1 proton in it's nucleus.

What element has 1 proton 1 neutron and 1 electron?

The element is hydrogen and the isotope is tritium (1H3)

Which element has only 1 electron and behaves like a alkali metal?

The element Hydrogen (H) has only 1 electron. When it loses it, it becomes the Ion H+.

Which of these can become stable by losing 1 electron calcium argon sodium nitrogen oxygen chlorine?

Sodium can become stable by losing 1 electron, forming a sodium ion with a 1+ charge, with the formula Na+. By losing its single valence electron, the resulting sodium ion achieves the noble gas configuration of neon, so that it has an octet (8) of valence electrons.

When a potassium atom reacts with bromine the potassium atom will?

ll lose only 1 electron

What is the number of valence electrons the element hydrogen has?

One.Hydrogen has only 1 electron in total, and it is also a valence electron.

What elements reacts by losing one electron boron beryllium chlorine lithium?

Lithium, found in periodic table column 1. Beryllium usually loses two electrons, while boron and chlorine gain or share electrons in their reactions.