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The group of elements that exist as separate atoms are the noble gases. Radon, neon, xenon, argon, helium, and krypton are those elements.

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14y ago

The only elements that I can think of as being single atoms are the noble gases; Helium, Neon, Argon, Xenon etc. They are on the far right of the Periodic Table.

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11y ago

All the noble gases eg argon neon

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Q: What elements exist as single atoms not bonded to other atoms?
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Which is largeran atom or an element?

That's a difficult question to answer, because elements are made of atoms. An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has the properties of that element. Some elements, like the noble gases, can exist as single atoms. Other elements, like oxygen, exist as molecules, such as O2, which is composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to one another. Metal elements are composed of many, many atoms joined by metallic bonding.

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The fewest total number of atoms that can form a molecule is one. Examples include the noble gases, such as helium (He) and neon (Ne), that exist as single atoms and are not bonded to any other atoms.

Why do oxygen and hydrogen have subscripts of 2?

Oxygen and Hydrogen, along with Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Nitrogen, to not exist naturally as single atoms. O2 stands for an oxygen molecule, which is made up of two oxygen atoms bonded together. H2 stands for two Hydrogen atoms bonded together. Sometimes atoms are bonded together for other reasons. This notation means the same no matter what the element. For example, Ca2 would stand for two calcium atoms bonded together.

Does a single molecule have two atoms?

It depends whether it can exist alone or has a pair. Some atoms have semi-filled outer shells of electrons (sub-atomic particles) and therefore need to be covalently bonded with another molecule in order to be stable. Others can exist alone.

What is an atomic element?

An 'atom' is the smallest unit that ANY element can be divided up into. An 'atom' of silver is the smallest piece of silver that there can be, similarly an 'atom' of oxygen is the smallest bit of oxygen that can be. Thus all elements are made of 'atoms'.

Is the far few materials are elements than are not elements?

Very few elements exist in their free state in nature. The vast majority of them exist as compounds, chemically bonded to other elements.

What chemical elements have a subscript of two?

All the gases except the Noble(Inert) gases, which are monatomic.

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I think glucose has 4 chiral centres four carbon atoms has four different compound/elements bonded to it.

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