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well they change in many ways like water becomes ice.

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10y ago

Generally metals andnon metals react to form ionic compounds- this is because there is a large difference in eletronegativity between them.

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Q: What elements will reacts to form an ionic compound?
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The resulting chemical compound of this reaction is a chloride.

What forms an ionic compound?

The elements that generally form ionic bonds are the metals and nonmetals.

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A metal and a nonmetal will generally combine to form an ionic compound.

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Lithium reacts with fluorine to form an ionic compound, LiF. The rest all form covalent compounds

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No, it`s not possible to get any ionic compound by reacting chlorine and hydrogen together, all you'll get is Hydrogen Chloride.

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Yes, the elements potassium and chlorine will react--very vigorously--to form the ionic compound potassium chloride.

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What elements form ionic compound?

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Can calcium and sulfur form a compound?

Yes; these elements can form an ionic compound named calcium sulfide, with formula CaS.

How do elements turn into a compound?

Elements turn into a compound by gaining or losing electrons to form ionic bond. They can also share electrons to form covalent bonds.

Elements of which form ionic bonds between them when combined together?

I think you mean IONS. Elements that form IONS by losing or gaining electrons, form IONIC bonds. These form when a metal reacts with a non-metal.