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This is the energy formula for hydrogen Ejn=(-13.6eV/n2)*[1+(α2/n2)*((n/(j+0.5))-0.75)] where n is the energy level (n=0 is the ground state), α is the fine-structure constant, and j and the eigenvalue of angular momentum (j=1 +/- 0.5). This can be verified experimentally because if the electron in hydrogen is excited to n=2 then de-excites to n=1 a photon of energy E2-E1=Ephoton will be released and is we measure the energy of this photon by Ephoton=h*f, where h is Planck's constant and f is frequency.

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9y ago

The bright line spectrum shows the energy levels in an atom are quantized. The different lines on the hydrogen atom are visible going from an excited state back down to the ground state. These lines have different colors and each color represents the different levels the electrons have fallen from.

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11y ago

There are specific energy values which are allowed for the electron in the hydrogen atom. The evidence for this lies in the way in which the line spectra of the hydrogen atom only shows certain wavelengths. These wavelengths correspond to the specific transition states of the electron between its fixed energy states within the atom.

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13y ago

hydrogen always emits light as exactly the same wavelengths, corresponding to tansitions of the electron between the fixed energy states within the atom

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Q: What evidence do you have that supports the idea of quantized energy levels?
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What are Energy levels where only certain values are allowed called?


How does the flame test provide support for quantized energy levels?

Home; Search; Settings; Top Contributors; Help Center; English▼ ... Answer: Improve. When an electron jumps from an energy level that is farther away from the nucleus to ... When doing a flame test this energy is in the form of a color change.

Bohr used the emission spectrum of hydrogen to support his idea that?

Each energy level corresponds to an exact amount of energy needed by the electron to orbit the nucleus. Transitions from a higher energy level to a lower energy level correspond to the difference in the energy needed for an electron to occupy those two energy levels. This difference creates the emission spectrum.

How are principle energy levels and energy sub levels related?

Principal energy levels are an atom's major energy levels, ranging in value from 1 to 7. Energy sublevels are contained within principal energy levels, and their number increases as the value of the principal energy level increases.

When an atom gains or loses energy what jumps between energy levels?

When an atom gains or loses energy, electrons are the subatomic particles that jump between energy levels. Electrons exist in distinct energy levels or shells around the atomic nucleus. These energy levels are quantized, meaning electrons can only occupy specific orbits. When an atom absorbs energy, typically in the form of light or heat, electrons can move to a higher energy level (excited state). Conversely, when an electron loses energy, it returns to a lower energy level (ground state) by emitting energy, often in the form of light. This process is governed by the principles of quantum mechanics and is described by the Bohr model for simple atoms and the more accurate quantum mechanical model for complex atoms. In the quantum mechanical model, electrons are described by wave functions, and their behavior is probabilistic, reflecting the uncertainty principle.

Related questions

What are quantized energy levels?

The concept of quantized energy levels, first proposed by Neils Bohr, states that electrons can only exist in certain possible energy levels, which he pictured as orbits around a nucleus since the energy of an electron is proportional to its distance from the nucleus.

What are Energy levels where only certain values are allowed called?


What are the Three examples of properties that are quantized at the scale of an electron?

Electrical charge is quantized. (negative in an electron, as an electron has exactly -1 fundamental unit of charge) The other two would be the energy levels in the atoms and the emitted energy.

What is the explanation for the discrete lines in atomic emissions spectra?

e- absorb energy and move to an orbital of higher energy. Falls back down to lower energylevels releasing the energy. The lines result from the fact that e-'s can only have discrete/quantized energy levels, they cannot have intermediate energy levels.

How does the flame test provide support for quantized energy levels?

Home; Search; Settings; Top Contributors; Help Center; English▼ ... Answer: Improve. When an electron jumps from an energy level that is farther away from the nucleus to ... When doing a flame test this energy is in the form of a color change.

Is every kind of energy quantized?

Planck formulated an equation for energy quanta, which is quantized into E=hf (where E is energy, h is Planck's constant: 6.626x10-27 , and f is frequency) to obtain his own exact radiation formula. This also happened to disprove the theory of the Ultraviolet Catastrophe, which is where classical physics failed.

What do electrons do in Bohr's model of atoms?

In Bohr's atomic model, electrons are in specific orbitals (NOT orbits), which are at specific energy levels. An electron can go directly from one orbital to another, but it can never be in-between any two orbitals. The energy level of these orbitals is specified by angular momentum being quantized.

Who developed the idea of electron shell?

Niels BohrNiels Bohr proposed the first model of the atom with distinct energy levels with quantized energies. He proposed this theory based on the spectra of atoms and ions.

Bohr used the emission spectrum of hydrogen to support his idea that?

Each energy level corresponds to an exact amount of energy needed by the electron to orbit the nucleus. Transitions from a higher energy level to a lower energy level correspond to the difference in the energy needed for an electron to occupy those two energy levels. This difference creates the emission spectrum.

What is the difference between electronic band and subband in solid state physics?

When energy is quantized, each of the levels corresponds to one band. But each level can depend upon the total velocity or position. If one energy level depends on each of coordinates, each coordinate can give a contribution to the total energy. This represents a subband.

Which type of diagram shows the number of trophic levels an ecosystem supports?

A biomass pyramid.

Characteristics of the series of levels surrounding the nucleus?

Energy levels or Energy