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i dunno my dumb teacher wants me to find out she should ask a dam scientist!

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12y ago
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13y ago

Most of the metals tend to form the ionic compounds.

compounds of s-block elements are most ionic.

Also, non-metals mostly halogens form ionic compounds.

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What do non metals and metals tend to do?

Metals and nonmetals tend to form ionic compounds by forming ionic bonds when they combine.

When forming ionic bonds atoms of elements in group VI tend to form ions with who?

They can form ionic compounds with halogens.

What block of the periodic table of elements tend to form type II ionic compounds?

The Center

Are organic compounds formed with ionic bonds?

Organic compounds tend NOT to be ionic - there are exceptions. Organic Chemistry is defined as the Chemistry of Compounds of Carbon. Ionic forces tend to intercede when we add Oxygen.

Why do covalent compounds have lower melting points then ionic compounds?

Covalent compounds tend to be negatively charged than an ionic compound.

What structure does ionic compounds tend to form in a solid state?

Sodium chloride is the ionic compound the forms a solid state. This s taught in science.

Elements on opposite sides of the periodic table?

Elements on opposite sides of the periodic table, for example Groups 1 and 17, form ionic compounds. Examples include LiCl, NaCl, KI, and RbBr. The elements in Group 1 are the alkali metals, and the elements in Group 17 are the halogens, which are nonmetals.

What is three ionic compound?

four properties of ionic compound are: 1-All ionic compounds form crystals 2-Ionic compounds are very hard and very brittle 3-Ionic compounds conduct electricity when they dissolve in water 4-Ionic compounds tend to have high melting and boiling points and 3 ionic compounds are: Sodium Chloride - Na Cl Potassium Fluoride - KF Magnesium Chloride - MgCl2

When struck with a sharp blow ionic compounds tend to what while metallic substances which are what change shape?

"When struck with a sharp blow, ionic compounds tend to (crack) while metallic substances, which are (covalently bonded), change shape."This makes the most sense. A lot of ionic compounds form salts which are crystalline and brittle in solid form. This is obviously homework but what a terrible question, right down to the punctuation.

Ionic compounds tend to be what at room temperature?


What is the differnece between an ionic compound and a covolant compound?

In an ionic compound, atoms transfer electrons from one to the other, creating oppositely charged ions. The ionic bond is an electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions. Ionic compounds tend to form between metals and nonmetals. In covalent compounds, atoms share electrons. Most covalent compounds form between nonmetals.

Compared With the Melting Point Of Ionic Compounds The Melting Points Of Molecular Solids Tend To Be?

Ionic compounds have a higher melting point.